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 Post subject: Hosting
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:51 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Hey everyone, well looks like I got a job, which is good, but the down side is that the typical work hours mean that I'll very rarely be on during normal server hours.

I'm already in conversation with a few people to make sure the server is taken care of, and I'll still be around when I can be.

Ree is going to be attempting to pick back up on the building, now that things are stabilizing for us.

Yendys has agreed to "co-host" in a way, so she will be able to perform necessary server administration tasks including module updates. This will probably take a little time before it's fully functional, but that's the direction we're heading.

Kris is also working on the curriculum with Ree and Yendys, and I think we're about to the point that this is going to be kicked back into full gear.

We've also had some other players who are working on new areas and stuff, and Ree is finally in the position to start looking at areas again, so things will start moving forward soon. I just regret that I'll probably have to take a back seat, at least for a while.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: Hosting
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:14 pm 
Game Master
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Calan, you are taking a back seat, we can handle to server, thanks again for arranging to make sure everything is taken care of. Hope all is well with the job.

Nathan Adams - Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Chandler Mallory - Seventh Year Hufflepuff

 Post subject: Re: Hosting
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:26 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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Calan wrote:
Hey everyone, well looks like I got a job, which is good, but the down side is that the typical work hours mean that I'll very rarely be on during normal server hours.

That probably means you'll have to RP with me, as I'm usually the only one on outside normal server hours. :P

Congratulations on the job!

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

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