World of Harry Potter Forums

RP Points
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Author:  Calan [ Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  RP Points

If there is RP that you are doing that is not well reflected on your WoHP character sheet, it is ok and even expected to tell a DM about the RP in order to get RP points to reflect the RP on your character sheet. While RP points are often handed out on a whim from DMs as rewards, RP can slip by us too. There is nothing wrong with asking for the points if you have RP that you feel isn't being correctly reflected on your character sheet.

Keep in mind that the DMs may ask questions, discuss the RP, or even ask for logs (though this usually is not required). The DMs will then grant the number of points we feel is justified by the RP.

Do not let your your character be cheated by being afraid to ask.

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