World of Harry Potter Forums

Quidditch Applications
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Author:  RaginCajun [ Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Quidditch Applications

I know all people trying to get on their quidditch teams are supposed to organize it all IC, but I've noticed that the quidditch captains aren't always on when some people want them to be, and for obvious reasons that deters from students joining their house quidditch team.
So I was thinking we should have a thread on here for students that want to apply for their house team, that way the quid captains that read this can know who's looking for them so maybe they can get on a little more often at least until they follow through with the applications. You shouldn't have to do anymore on here than stating your name and house, and maybe your preferred position, that way the captain can look for you and you can do the rest IC.
(I'm not sure if a thread like this is already started somewhere, so if it is, please let me know, otherwise, I'll get this started)

Name: Seril Kane
House: Hufflepuff
Preferred Position: Chaser

Author:  JBMT [ Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seril, didn't you join your House forums? That's where a lot of that happens. That, and the thread on Quidditch in Events. The event thread is more for Quidditch in general. Your House forums are where your House teams are being organized. I have added you to the Hufflepuff usergroup, although you could have done on your own. Check it out! Tell your friends!

Author:  RaginCajun [ Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh alright, guess I haven't looked around on the forum enough. Thanks JB!

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