World of Harry Potter Forums

In-Character Fighting and PvP
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Author:  Calan [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  In-Character Fighting and PvP

I attacked with someone because they dared to say “hello” to my ub3r character, and they killed me. Is it ok to hit the respawn button, then go prove they messed with the wrong player?

NOOO!!! This is not ok! This are several things wrong here:

1- When you are “killed” in the World of Harry Potter, you aren't dead, just knocked out. It is possible to really die, but that is based completely on role-play and determined by a GM.

2- The respawn button should -only- be pressed when you would otherwise be completely stuck unless you press it, and you have no other option. So long as there are other PC's around, or a GM, never hit the respawn button until you know there's no way to revive your character in an in-character way. Respawning is inherently out-of-character. Just because your character got their rear kicked doesn't mean they can somehow teleport to the Hospital Wing and be somehow all better in an instant.

3- The fact that the theoretical player asking this question wants to prove that someone “messed with the wrong player” means that this person has taken the fight out-of-character. The fight should be between two characters, and not between their players. When in in-character conflict with another character, most players are actually in good out-of-character communication with each other to make sure that everything is agreed upon, and often even laughing together about the situation.

4- Fighting another character can be a serious offense in the World of Harry Potter. A character role-played in this manner will probably be quickly expelled. If there is going to be a fight, always make sure it is backed up with good, solid role-play before the gloves come off.

5- Just because someone is fighting with you in-character does not mean they are angry or mad at you out-of-character. Some of the best role-play can happen because your character has an enemy. That doesn't mean that you can't be friends with the player who plays that enemy. It's generally not fair to assume that because someone's character is mad at your character that the player is also mad at you. Likewise, it's unfair to be mad at another player just because their character is mad at yours. Remember the boundaries between in-character and out-of-character.

6- As an aside, killing yourself in order to get a free teleport to the Hospital Wing (or any other respawn point) is considered cheating! It's out-of-character.

I was knocked out in a fight, and someone revived me then healed me with ten casts of episkey, and then I continued the fight. Why is everyone looking at me funny?

That would be because your character was just knocked out! It takes a lot of damage to a person to push them to unconsciousness, and a simple rennervate spell and healing a bruise or two is not going to completely heal the character, no matter what the hit-point bar says. Generally, when knocked out, role-play injury after being revived even if your hit-points were completely restored. Many players will even be absolutely sure -not- to restore all their hit-points and keep themselves damaged just so there is a graphical representation of the injury. Very often a trip to the Hospital Wing might be in order.

I won a fight with another player. Why are the professors upset that my character used “potentially lethal” spells? I thought that death required GM approval?

Yes, death requires GM approval. But your character doesn't know that does he? To be honest, it's unrealistic the amount that students can wail on each other with the power behind some of these spells and constantly luck out that they just happen to knock them unconscious but not actually kill anyone. However we don't want everyone dying, so we take fictional license here and that's what happens. But don't be surprised if the professors view it very seriously.

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