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 Post subject: Spells
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:17 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:00 am
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NWN Spells

Even though there is a supplementary spell system, it is completely acceptable to learn and use the NWN spell system. It was never the intention that standard NWN spells not be used. Simply role play that they are spells that your character has learned, either in class or on their own. Some spells, like polymorphing, are restricted and must have GM approval in order to be able to cast them. It is not hard to get approval for polymorphing in particular, just have a half-decent reason and run it by the GM team.

Wand Spells

The wand spell system is designed to add “Harry Potter” spells to the built-in NWN system. They are accessed by using your wand's unique ability, which will bring up a list of all wand spells that your character knows. Wand spells can be learned in a variety of ways, from studying in the library (where you will find “wand spell scrolls” that you can use to add the spell to your wand) to homework to GM'd events. Some spells are only available from role play with a GM.

Wand Spell Tokens allow you to quickslot wand spells. You are granted ten, and they can be programmed by simply casting a wand spell on them. Casting on an already programmed token will reprogram it with the new spell. If you cannot find them in your inventory, visit the OOC Store off of the Sign Room and pull the “Toggle Wand Spell Tokens” lever.

How do I refer to NWN spells in-character?

Most can be referred to by name. Things like “Finger of Death” would obviously be called something else, as the spell is role-played as being a very powerful and dark form of “Stupefy.” Out-of-character, that spell in particular is lovingly referred to as “Finger of Knock Out.”

It is safe to use the standard NWN name for the most part to avoid confusion. In the cases like “Finger of Death” where the name seems out-of-character, try to avoid naming the spell at all. If you need to, this is the normal convention:

“I saw him cast [Finger of Death] right there on the poor first-year right there in the Entrance Hall!”

This will imply a substitution for the NWN name with a more appropriate Harry Potter spell name. Some people do this with all NWN spells, and that's fine too.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

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