((Contact via forum pm, please. Unless you can get ahold of me in-game.
Also, if there's already one of these, sorry. I wasn't aware. & Lastly, Nik if there's already a similar thread can you move this? I couldn't find any. x_x))
((Edit:: Resized the image, I hope it's a tad better.))
((Edit of my edit. I know what it says but...I wrote it. Incase anyone can't read it (due to blurryness or whatever else), here goes: "ATTENTION"
"Are you creative? Do you know everything about everyone? Do you want to be involved with something no one will ever forget? Then don't miss your chance to be a major part of this years year book! Be involved in photos, stories & more!"
"Contact Regriam Banther for more." ((Then in the corners: "Hogwarts Yearbook Team bringing you the chance to be involved in memories for eternity! Featuring: Best Couple. Best Quiddich. Funniest Moment. & Much much more!" ))