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 Post subject: Diary of Leah Yeahr
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:26 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 11
Tuesday 4:58 P.M. (RL Time)
It is about 11:00 here and im sitting in the girls dorm trying to determine whether i should send Ragnar an owl...About Ragnar he is mostly the love of my life you could say. We spend every day we can together and i personally cherish every moment of it. Any way i was trying to conjure some potions today when i accidentaly spilled some of one onto my clothes...good thing it was only a vanishing potion because i had about two more of the same dresses in my dorm.

Well its about 2:56 A.M. now and i cant sleep...I really think i should go see where Ragnar is...*yawn* In the morning possibly now that i think about it i am pretty tired...

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 Post Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:54 pm 
Forum First Year
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:00 am
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Wednesday 7:48 (Real life time)
Well it is nearing nine o clock at night and i havent seen ragnar at all today. Im really begining to miss him at the moment...Suppose i should send an owl out to him...? Im not sure maybe just for now i should take my mind off of him...But that seesm impossible...Im not sure what to do im closing for now.

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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:12 am 
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Thursday 7:07 A.M. (Real life time)
Another day passed another without Ragnar...I wonder where he could possibly be...? Wow its amazing how one person can change your life wouldnt you agree? I suppose my friends would all just tell me to stop thinking about him but they don't know how hard it is...I suppose i should switch subjects now...
Anyway...Earlier on Sam, Perado, Greg, Connor and I all traveled to Paris...Not too much fun but it was nice to be invited to something for once and a while...Other than that Perado, Sam and I all had fun i guess...Well not much else to say so i suppose I'll close up...

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 Post Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:56 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:00 am
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Monday 5:44 (Real life time)
Well the past two days of mine have been...well...extraordinary and depressing you could say. It started out when i was sitting in the Slytherin common room minding my own buisiness when some girl floo-ed through the fireplace asking me random questions such as if my name was Leah Yeahr Borinson. After some more interogation i was asked to follow her somewhere and who knows where she was taking me... At last after wandering through the corridors (i really wonder if she knew where she was going) we ended up in front of none other than Professor Snapes office. I and my step father were accused of lying since i was transferred from Hufflepuff. The professor (---AND--- ---STUDENT---) accused me of so many things my head was begining to hurt. I asked the professor at last if i may be excused and as i was i walked out towards the lake. I walk out there to find none other than my Slytherin boyfriend Ragnar Black. He gave me all the comforting i needed as i threw my arms about him and he asked me questions about what happened.
And as i was speaking about Ragnar in the paragraph above i think how it has been probably two weeks (or at least if feels like it) that i have seen Ragnar...Im begining to worry about where he is and terrible thoughts run through my head at night as i try to sleep. Now that i think about it he is like the only thing that is helping me hold on to my sanity. Boy do i hope i see him soon. Gonna close for now...

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 Post Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:05 pm 
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// Just so's you know, Liss is the Slytherin Prefect.

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 Post Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:15 pm 
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Forum First Year
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 11
Wednesday 5:03 (Real Life Time)
Well first off i would say my week has been interesting...More interesting than many of my other weeks. Well mostly it started as i was taking my familiar Dothra outside for a walk when a small first year came up asking if i could help him to the sorting. I agreed and took him to the entrance hall. When he came back out i walked over to him and quietly asked him what house he had gotten. "Hufflepuff!", he replied quickly. He was short and sweet to the point about asking what house i was in. When he found out i was also in Hufflepuff he became quite excited i must say. I was about to offer to show him the common room when another man offered it before me. So later on that night as i reached my commons i found none other than the boy who had just gotten sorted that day. We introduced ourselves and i found out he was a pretty nice kid. His name was Torgoth and he was from America which i was pretty impressed by. After a while Torgoth became bored and ran into the girls dorms thinking he would have some fun. I followed trying to stop his mischief by using my recent misery as my weapon...It melted his heart just like that as i went to go sit on my bed he sat at the foot of and soon every time he spoke he was blushing at me. I asked him what he was blushing about and as soon as i sat on the floor next to him he kissed me right on the cheeks...Inside I was furious and worried. Furious that he had kissed me when he knew i had a boyfriend and worried about Ragnar...what he would think when he found out what Torgoth did...I tried comforting Torgoth and he seemed to feel resentful as we walked out to get something to eat. We ran into a man on the way and as soon as the man spoke about Ragnar Torgoth quickly searched for an excuse to leave...I was worried and i also probably had every other emotion inside of me at that moment. Speaking of Ragnar i miss him dearly i havent even been counting the days and it feels like forever since i have been kept away from him. I only sit by the fire now wishing that he would send me an owl sometime soon. That has seemed to become my life now...I just sit by the fire and wait for the love of my life...Well now i have my thoughts down on paper i suppose i should close up.

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