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 Post subject: Diary of a mad man
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:34 pm 
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Ragnar looked at the clock on the wall, it was nearing 10:30 still no sign of her..........where could she be? "I'll just go make some potions in the dungeons" he said to himself.
On the way to the dungeons Ragnar ran into an old friend Greg. Greg said he needed to go put use to his newely learned spells and since Ragnar was bored anyhow they went adventuring in the bowels of durmstrang

"Why must my time here be spent so idly" he said to himself quietly "after all I really should be using my time here to make powerfull alies" Scowling Ragnar silently slips out of the crypts and slowly walks back to his room in durmstrang.
Writing in a diary

"Its 21:00 now I am staring at the walls of a padded cell... in st.mungos??
The last thing I remember I was being held in the arms of my love in the ice cream parlor. What did I do? *looks horrified* I ...........I couldnt have hurt her? "

Its 20:00 Ragnar wakes up in his cell with a bloody forehead. "What did I do" he wonders to himself. "I simply cant have hurt leah? I will have to get word to her somehow.....Yes thats what ill do" His voice trails off as he drifts silently to sleep.

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 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:02 pm 
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Writing in a small black journal
God its so typical of him.....I'll bet he did this to make me feel bad about our fight. I don't care either way i will never give up my pursuit if he feels cutting his wrists ...or trying to is going to push me into the realms of guilt he is wrong all I feel for my dear brother is pitty.......pitty that he choses to frolic with the girl that broke his heart.
I came real close to today I found the chamber entrance I just cannot find the key I need to open it. My brother knows how to enter it and still he wont tell me. I hope Mungo's puts some sense into his head and then maybe he will join me rather than fight against me.
Well its getting late and I have to be up early to visit my melodramatic brother. Ill write more later.
Alliester Black

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 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:06 pm 
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Anyone may post here :)

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 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:34 pm 
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"Its only been a few short days yet it seems like an eternity that I have been away from my beautiful leah. I dont know what made me try and cut my wrists....everything was going great and then I wake up in this place. I think I'll send a request to Leah to pay me a visit.....She is all i have holding me to my sanity I only hope I dont drag her down with me I am soo tired right now i just wanted to put my thought to paper.
Ill write more later but right now there is an angry looking man outside my door and i feel he wants to have a chat with me.
-Ragnar Black

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 Post Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:12 pm 
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Well as it turns out the man who came to speak to me was bringing news of my immediate release.......how very strange it feels to finally be getting out of here. Though it was only a few short days....weeks? It feels as though ive been here a lifetime. I do hope Leah is ok......I've missed her terribly i think im going to go find her now. I'll write more later..............

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