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 Post subject: *An anonymous letter to the Minister.*
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:29 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 446
*An anonymous letter to the Minister, On a standard Durmstrang style leaflet, delivered by black Durmstrang owl.*

Dear Respected Minister.
To my understanding there is a sudden huge interest in Hogwarts Students. People have even begun questioning your authority and I’ve even heard of people actually questioning your leading. The whole wizarding world is slowly going into a uproar as in the close past your men have condemned one student to a life time of suffering in Azkaban, another the Dementor’s Kiss, and then the four Hogwarts students brought in not long ago. So far I understand there is the one girl left, I think it would be most beneficial if you had this trial open to the public. People have been questioning if you have just been looking for people to pin on the dark artifact smuggling and the dead Aurors who popped up lately. Give us the proof we need to accept her fate.

So far I have heard that this one volunteers her spare time for orphans, that she is a kind gentle soul, and rumours are that you have condemned her to Azkaban for a couple days already for holding a rock? A very pretty rock. A rock that any young girl could pick up or any rock a kid would want to give to the girl he likes. I find it hard to believe that she knows even is aware that this so called rock is even dark. Your best course of action would be to give her the verita-serum that would give us proof while we watch over the public trial. Or give her the chance to be heard, for no matter how sure you feel about this, there must be some ounce of worry or concern that you are sending an innocent person to her demise.

Besides, this is starting to become political and frankly you are drawing a fine line to how the Ministry deals with possibility. There are much more dangerous people in the world, people who have killed and harmed innocents, but people won’t stand for it much longer if you become one of those dangerous people Mr. Minister. The prophet would have a ball if she was sent to Azkaban and you wouldn’t be in your place much longer, the ministry is crumbling very slowly and if this girl is convicted under false pretenses it will collapse. This is not a threat or anything of the sort, I’m just a concerned boy that wants to keep your word a law, however I will find myself to help much if you bring yourself to ruin by ruining this girls life.

So show the people how compassionate and rational you are. Consider a girls love for pretty objects, put yourself into our position, show us you are working on our level, give her the truth serum, make the trial public so everyone can see how this is handled. We desire truth, we deserve to know and see both sides of the spectrum. Do not condemn an innocent girl, Minister, She is not the object of punishment for dark wizards everywhere, if she were condemned it would be a victory for the dark wizards that lurk the streets.

From a concerned boy.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:23 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:00 am
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// Durmstrang isn't in England. I doubt anyone at the Ministry would be so easily fooled as to fall for such a tactic as a Hogwarts student getting a hold of an owl from the Durmstrang owlery to pull such a ruse, even if there wasn't detailed knowledge of the events and people involved contained therein. As a matter of fact, the way some aurors have been recently, I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't start some poking around Hogwarts yet again, and even exploring connections with Durmstrang. Nice. ;)

// Not that I don't agree with your sentiment. But Nik hadn't done his troll job, yet, so I felt compelled to try my hand at it! :p Hey, I wonder if he'd like a new title....

// Oh, and also, I don't think the use of veritaserum is all that common. Isn't it supposed to be exceedingly difficult to make?

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 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:26 am 
Forum Troll King
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//Veritaserum is difficult to make. They don't even use it in court cases,
I don't believe.

//If anything, I can just imagine this letter being completely ignored. How
much hate mail do you think real life politicians get on a daily basis? Yeah.

//*Trolls with JB.*


 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:41 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 446
//Meh, I quite already understand that they would figure it was a hogwarts student. I'm merely roleplaying that my character that sent it actions are being very cautious throwing all the curves she can. RP post mind you not a discussion.

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