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 Post subject: A Dark Life
 Post Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:39 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:29 pm
Posts: 36
Location: Athens, Greece
A dark figure lurked deep in the woods until he found the ramshackle house he was seeking for many weeks. Cautiously, he walked over to the door and turned the knob slowly. The man had dark long hair and white pale skin.
As soon as the man stepped through the door the overpowering fear engulfed him, instinctively his eyes searched the darkened room, seeing nothing, eyes still dim from the bright midday sun outside.

His breath freezes in his throat, as the door slams shut, a deep growl heard from behind. Spins around, seeing the shadows form from murky darkness to a slim figure enshrouded in abyss black, eyes almost glowing.

The man tries to swing at the figure, his fist stopped by the hand of the figure, with hardly a movement or effort. A brief tensing of muscles and the man is thrown backwards, his body crumpling into a wall, sliding down with a dull thud.
Silently the figure stalks over to the man's prone body, reaches down grabbing a foot, dragging him into the centre of the room.

The dark figure kneels over the body, knees pressed into its arms, snarling. Reaches under his abyss coat, a black blade now in his hand, its edges silver, revealing its razor bite. Without flinching the figure slices quickly, into the man's left cheek, carving a small figure into his flesh.


As the blood wells the man regains his consciousness, struggling against his capture until he sees the blade, feeling its point pressed at his throat.
The darke figure speaks, voice low, a deep whisper.

"This marks you, binds you to my demands, break them and I'll find you, and bring pain to you such that you could never imagine."

The dark figure stands, placing a foot on the chest of the man, his face shimmering, the image of wolf like a ghost over his own. Eyes red, glowing.

"Begone now, Allanon Majere, and you should better keep your mouth shut. You are one of us now."

Allanon looked up at him about to say something but decided not to.The dark figure stepped back and disappeared with a loud pop.He then stood up and walked over to the door, he could apparate himself anywhere but he preferred to walk while he was trying to relax and concentrate on clearing his mind, keeping his emotions controlled and his feelings in check.
// Too tired to continue..It will be updated soon. :P

Allanon Majere, Seventh Year Gryffindor
Alexander Hunter, Third Year Slytherin



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