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 Post subject: The Student Exchange
 Post Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:04 pm 
Forum Troll King
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Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1801
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys
The father was sitting outside, in the hall, with his face in his hands. His
hair hadn't been washed in nearly four days, the time he'd been sitting
outside the bedroom, waiting. His bloodshot eyes told more than any of
his words ever could. He'd just discovered his family's shame, and he had
to fight the urge to vomit.

Just within the room, the midwife cast a pity-filled glance to the bundle
before her, her thick, meaty arms crossed over her broad chest. Reaching
back to undo the tight knot behind her head, her greasy hair fell in gentle
waves over her shoulders. Shrugging heavily, she looked to the mother,
and decided it best not to reveal the truth, not just yet.

"... a healthy, baby boy, Mrs. Reinslate."

Eleven Years Later

Buggo Reinslate smiled lightly out the mist-covered window as the train
rushed past another cluster of trees, a flock of birds calmly circling around
a glassy lake that had settled peacefully in the distance.

His face, slightly off, showed the truth. He was perhaps the first of
his kind to be born with the condition, but looking at him, one couldn't help
but smile. His eyes lacked the same glimmer as those of the other
students, who had chosen to abandon his booth, leaving him in that subtle
isolation he had known his entire life.

The Hogwarts Express let off a few blows of its whistle as it arrived at
Hogsmeade, delivering its precious cargo safely home.


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