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 Post subject: Reality is what you make it.
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:31 am 
Forum Fifth Year
Forum Fifth Year
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Her first memory.....

She was hungry, it was a cold gray day that was typical in London. sitting against the wall she watched the marketplace people walk back in forth in their warm clothes and their full bellies... she didn't want to hate them... but why couldn't they see she was cold and hungry?

Maybe if she asked one of them they would give her something to eat, or at least a better coat, not that she would accept the coat. The vague memory of the now thread bare coat being the only thing she had left from her parents... she couldn't even remember them, but she knew that she received the coat from them and she had precious few items from her parents. she stood up and walked over to a group of adults all talking to each other. When she reached the group and pulled on the sleeve of one of the adults, she started to ask if they had any food but was cut short.

*Slap* -Mariana's small form falls backwards onto the cobblestones.-

"Get away from me you little pickpocket, I should report you the Bobbies."

He laughs, his friends laugh. the lump on the side of Mariana's face grows red and bruised...

laying on the ground confusion running around in her head faster then the pain. What did she do wrong? She was asking for food not pickpocketing anyone... Why would she need to pickpocket anyone she was... she.. was.... the thought cut off by her own reality... she was what? She was a little girl lost on the street with nothing....right?

The Attention of the group still on the little girl that one of their number had struck and the fact that the group was still laughing all helped to keep the notice off of another group of younger children led by a taller fat boy that was watching this scene play out. He had been watching Mariana the whole time. Leaning his large bulk against the wall he makes a motion to the alley and as if riot had started a number of children run silently out of various locations in the street and quickly and quite obviously to everyone watching. Mugged the laughing adults.

"Hey! What the?! You little Bugger!" The laughing man turns just as his wallet is swiped and the miniature mugger bolts off down the street. He gives chase as do his now poorer comrades.

As Mariana picks her bruised body off the cobblestone street as the tall fat boy walks over to her. He looks down at her and pushes her head back so that she falls back down into a sitting position. Mariana looks up confused still not understanding why this boy would pick on her too.

"You did good, I could use a runt like you. Here."

He reaches into a backpack and pulls out a fast food bag and drops it on the ground next to her. Mariana's stomach growls and she takes the bag slowly still looking at the tall fat boy, half expecting him to push her again. He just watches her an odd smile on his face then he turns around and walks back to where he was standing to start with, still watching her.

After he walked away Mariana opens up the fast food bag and takes out a burger, she unwraps it and takes a bite slowly chewing.


So many question unanswered. so many confused memories that don't seem to want to become clear or even play through in order.

// there ya go, not sure if I'm completely happy with it but I'll let it stand as I go forward. ;) trying to get a few halfway decent past moments in no particular order up.

Characters: Mariana McBane (7th year student at Hogwarts)


 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:48 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
Forum Fifth Year
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Mariana wakes up with a start only a slight "eep" escaping her lips. She was dreaming of the caves again. After being trapped for 3 days behind deaths door alone she only ever had two nightmares. The first had come less and less recently but always caused a difference in her easy going attitude for days after. The second, the inferni nightmare didn't effect her daily life, unless you counted the lack of sleep. Mariana pulled her pillow out from under head and wrapped her arms around it.

"Why did you have to leave me Paul... " spoken softly into the empty room. She tried to lay back down to sleep a little more but wasn't able to, thinking of Paul again.

Finally she gave up and just sat up in her bed. Her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her pillow. Thoughts of her life on the street and Paul, so much had happened back then.

Thinking of him always made her miss him that much more. Softly sobbing she hugged her pillow tighter. Why couldn't she just think about the good times. Everytime she thought of him, her mind always ended up going to the last time she saw him. His body laying in a pool of his own blood. Blood that had been spilt because of her. He was only trying to defend her. Mariana's body shook with deep anger, The creature responsible was beond pain now.

It didn't seem fair.

There were times she wished she could go back as she was now and learn how long his cursid body could survive as much pain as she could possibly inflict without actually killing him. The anger never lasted long enough, the loss always greater. The sobs started again as Mariana cried herself to sleep.

She preferred the inferni caves nightmares, they could be caused pain and suffering for as long as her magic held them.

But HE..... he was gone.

Characters: Mariana McBane (7th year student at Hogwarts)


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 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:41 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
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A lone name in a forgotten tome, hidden in one of the many library's in the Ministry.

What should she do? Should she say something, ask someone, would they even tell her? Do they even know?... and what did it mean to find that name is this department?

Always more questions found then answers.

Characters: Mariana McBane (7th year student at Hogwarts)


 Post subject: Re: Reality is what you make it.
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:38 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
Forum Fifth Year
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After finding the name in that lone forgotten tome Mariana had to go. It could be that her family was in the USA. The name was found in a list of researchers that were at an ancient native American dig site. It wasn't much, and there was no guarantee that the McBane mentioned was even living around the dig site or even related to her, but she had to check. This was the only clue that Mariana had found concerning who she was, who her family was and maybe ... just maybe.... why they had abandoned her to the streets at such a tender young age.

[going to add more details about Mariana's trip to the States as time goes on]

Characters: Mariana McBane (7th year student at Hogwarts)


 Post subject: Re:
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:54 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
Forum Fifth Year
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Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 150
Mariana McBane wrote:
But HE..... he was gone.

Dedicated to Paul may he Rest In Eternal Peace.

(A little more emo then I wanted but quite good for this since I didn't make it. Seems no one else used the rock remix which is what I wanted for the song. soft at first to reflect the sadness, rock to reflect the anger, then soft again to reflect the sadness being greater then the anger.)

Characters: Mariana McBane (7th year student at Hogwarts)


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