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Diaries of A Madman *Scratches Madman out and writes Adrian*
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Author:  AdrianCHCardIII [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Diaries of A Madman *Scratches Madman out and writes Adrian*

Sitting on Adrian's bed, under the covers, to the left, sits a stiff, large, book bound in black and red stripes, a padlock covering the opening of the book, locking it tightly. On the padlock is a resistance charm and a shock charm. Anyone who tries to use Alohomora will fail, and anyone who tries to pick it will get shocked.

What's he got to hide?

One could only see if he allowed you too...

On the front is stapled two signs, clear in their intention.

"Keep out,"


"Beware of the dog."

Author:  AdrianCHCardIII [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

"Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances. Real men believe in cause and effect." - Ralph Waldo Emmerson

It's been quiet. A little too quiet.

Haven't seen too many people that I know around.

Luckily, I haven't seen Andrew around.

Where're Amber, Sierra, Zane, Greg, George, them folk?

I need to find these people. Too bored without 'em...

Hmm...I wonder if she'll say...

Hmm. Someone could be watching mre or somehow break my locks.

Too risky to write.

Sorry for not being able to read my secret, you snoop you. *Adrian has drawn a silly smiley face here.*

Author:  AdrianCHCardIII [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

"A hooker is like a really good date, only cheaper and without the 3 hours of bull!@&*# before the sex." - Richard Kohut

Things are getting increasingly boring. I've been getting more headaches from boredom/running into walls, too.

Need to find someone fun...

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