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 Post subject: A Letter to Professor Snape
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:34 am 
Forum Troll King
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Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1801
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys
Dear Professor,

It has been a few weeks since we've last spoken, but I'm delighted to
inform you that I am well. The pensieve potion seems to be holding up
considerably well, considering how often I've been using it. You may find
Jack Amesworth poking about in regards to it... you would've been so
pleased! He's reacted strangely to his taking of my memories. As if a bit
of my personality rubbed off on him. I'll be glad to discuss this in greater
detail with you at your convenience.

But I have graver news, unfortunately. I know you've put your trust in
Necrolissica Crest as prefect, Felien Siana recommended her herself. But
I have shocking news, Professor.

Drado Bolton, a student who I know already has your spite, attacked me
earlier in the Entrance Hall. I don't know if you care to honor my request,
but I humbly implore that the poor lad not be treated harshly. His
wings and the way people treat him about them has damaged his ego and
I fear he has fallen into a depression that led to his attack on me.

But this is not what I wrote to you for. Necrolissica Crest took this
opportunity to allow him to attack me. She blinded herself so that she
wouldn't see the fight as Drado approached me. Then, as I was cornered
and left to defend myself, she stepped in. They all spoke of reports and
such. I don't claim to be your favorite, but I'd expected that you wouldn't
be thrilled with them attacking me so. When I told them this, they seemed
confident of their untouchability.

I deflected what blows I could, even my summoned guardian Rose took
hits to ensure my safety... but in the end, for the safety of bystanders I
was forced to respond with equal force and incapacitate Drado. Crest
rushed over and attempted to dispel my protective shields... for what
purpose, I leave to you to think over.

It is with this that I admit that I have no confidence in the current prefects
of Slytherin House. I am incredibly sorry that I was forced to step down
from Prefect duties due to personal reasons last year... but I now apply
once more for the role of Prefect.

I hope you enjoyed my report on fungal-acid based potions, I included
that trick you taught me; involving crushing moss between two brass

Priggo Seville


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