// Durmstrang isn't in England. I doubt anyone at the Ministry would be so easily fooled as to fall for such a tactic as a Hogwarts student getting a hold of an owl from the Durmstrang owlery to pull such a ruse, even if there wasn't detailed knowledge of the events and people involved contained therein. As a matter of fact, the way some aurors have been recently, I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't start some poking around Hogwarts yet again, and even exploring connections with Durmstrang. Nice.
// Not that I don't agree with your sentiment. But Nik hadn't done his troll job, yet, so I felt compelled to try my hand at it! :p Hey, I wonder if he'd like a new title....
// Oh, and also, I don't think the use of veritaserum is all that common. Isn't it supposed to be exceedingly difficult to make?