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To Professor McGonagall
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Author:  ChanceFerrin [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  To Professor McGonagall

*the ink appears to be black and the handwriting is a very crisp cursive*

Dear Professor McGonagall,

I'm hoping your feeling well Professor? I haven't seen you very recently. That is why I have written this letter to you regarding our House. I know my past has been rough. I have been one of the 'rulebreakers' in the school. I am trying to change though, and trying to be a more responsible adult, like I should be. I am in need of something to do with my time that construction and keeps me on my feet from doing wrong.

I have noticed that our House Prefects have been absent very frequently. I have also noticed that very few of our House students are in their beds during curfew. I think that curfew is very important because everyone needs sleep, a time to rest. The rulebreaking, has gone down from what I see. I think that is good for the school.

I know I have made mistakes in the past Professor, but please do not hold them against me, I truly am trying. The main point of me getting this letter to you, is to ask a for chance at being a Prefect for our House. I would like to give it a try, I want to proove myself and to my house that I am a good person, and proove everyone that I have changed. I know that I can do a good job. This position will help me become a better person. Thank you Professor for taking your time to read this. I hope that you consider me for a House Prefect.

Chance Ferrin

Author:  Vilament [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

A second letter appears in Proffessor McGonagall's office

Dear Professor,

Many of the Gryffindor students have noticed the abscence of you and the Prefects. Although we know you a have a legit reason, we are unsure about the current situation of the present Prefects.

As a collective group, we have come to the decision that new replacement prefects should be selected in the house. I am not suggesting certain people, nor am nominating myself to be it. I feel you have the right mind set to pick the students on your own accord.

Gryffindor wishes you well,
Sean James Asherel

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