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 Post subject: Mel's tarot readings.
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:24 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:00 am
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This is what she got asking about a recent rumor.

1. Knight of Wands (Inverted)

2. Four of Swords (Inverted)

3. Judgement (Inverted)

4. The Sun (Inverted)

5. Seven of Wands.

6. The Moon (Inverted)

7. The Devil (Inverted)

8. The Magician (Inverted)

9. Death

10. Nine of Cups (Inverted.)

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 Post Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:22 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 275
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This is what Mel got when she was bored, and did a general reading.

1. Eight of wands - A Goal is approaching, new ideas, a journey by air, love will find its mark, love of open air, gardens, meadows

2. High Priestess - Inverted - Vacillation, inaction, lack on concentration, indecision, anxiety, infidelity

3. The Hanged Man - Inverted - Unwillingness to make an effort, false prophecy, useless sacrifice

4. Seven of Swords - Inverted - Excessive help is given, good advice, counsel, stolen items are returned

5. King of Coins - A chief of industry or a banker, a reliable person, a married man, solid, steadiness

6. The Magician - Originality, creativity, skill, will-power, self confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand

7. Two of Wands - A kind and generous person, an interest in science, patience, creative ability, courage, good things to come

8. Seven of Wands - Inverted - The threat will pass by, don't let others take advantage, caution against indecision, patience

9. Knight of Wands - An impetuous nature, generous friend, a lover, haste, a journey, the coming or going of a matter is of much concern

10. The Moon - Deception, trickery, disillusionment, error, danger, disgrace, double-dealing

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