World of Harry Potter Forums

( Can a dm read this and send me a pm?) "For Rent"
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Author:  Bert [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  ( Can a dm read this and send me a pm?) "For Rent"

*Veric examines the door carefully* ..M..Seems ..deserted..*eyes the large sign on the door which says "For Rent"**Veric starts to write on a peace of paper:
"To the owner of this building".
'My name is Veric ster. I'd like to know how much it'll cost for me to rent your appartment/Shop.'

Please send me an owl with the information and i will contact you.

Veric Ster
Seventh year student at Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry.*

*Veric attatches the note to the door and leaves*

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