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Shopping for people who are lazy to go to a shop.
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Author:  Earaldor [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Shopping for people who are lazy to go to a shop.

*Pedro opens a magazine called "Shopping for people who are lazy to go to a shop" he starts reading and see a very nice guitar, where it reads "Imported guitar from mexico, deliveries in two days, delivered by owl. To order use the dusts that come with the magazine and throw to the fireplace" Pedro smiles goes to the fireplace and throws the dust to it, where it shows a very thin lady head, "What can i do for you sir?" asks the lady, "I want to order this guitar, the 032 please." Pedro says. "Very well please deposit the money in the following account 1100234, thank you very much and thanks for using our magazine" The woman vanishes. Pedro when gets up in the morning goes to the bank and deposits the money*

//someone told me i could rp to get a guitar, so i ask, a DM next time i'm online to give me a guitar, cheers.

Author:  Earaldor [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Pedro was sitting in the great hall eating a toast, and a owl arrives, and everyone look at it and see it with a big package, the owl lands in pedro side, he opens the package and his a brand new guitar, he smiles to the people looking at him*

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