World of Harry Potter Forums

Very Lovely Cards - Sent to Drado, Jack and Mary
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Author:  Nikblade [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Very Lovely Cards - Sent to Drado, Jack and Mary

The Ravenclaws Drado Bolton, Jack Amesworth and Mary Maywell all recieve
mysterious little envelopes at their feet as they wake one morning. The
notes are unnecessarily expensive with their names hand-threaded with
silk into the card's face. Though the envelopes are individualized, the cards
within are more or less identical- thanking them for their "hospitality" within
the Ravenclaw Dorms a long while back.
[Originally I had a picture but I seem to have misplaced it. Pretend there's a well-photoshopped postcard here!]

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