Mel was ecstatic, happily skipping about the Entry Hall. She then ran to Hogsmeade, visiting Honeydukes, and stocking up on candy. She then ran to Scrivenshafts, and bought up some letters.
Melissa then began to send the candy and notes to Angerona's room. Letters saying "thank you", "I love you", and "I will try to be worthy of this gift you have given me". The candy she sent with the letters. Mel ran out of candy before she ran out of letters. So she went to Diagon Alley and bought up flowers, and stopped by Eylops, picking up some mice for her overworked owl.
Once got back to the dorms she began sending the flowers with the rest of her affectionate notes. Once she ran out of flowers and notes, she gave her owl the mice to thank him for the repeated trips.
Melissa then sighed, and smiled, feeling truly content and happy for the first time in months. Her last letter was the most heartfelt.
Melissa Kane wrote:
My dearest Angerona,
I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but I have to say it again: Thank you so very much. You have given me the rarest and most valuable treasure that I could have gotten from you. You gave me a second chance. I will be working extra hard to be worthy of this gift, and to restore your faith in me. I will not let you down again. I will not screw this up. I did not deserve this gift, and I will never be worthy of you. So, once again, I have to say thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart.
I love you very much.
Yours always,