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 Post subject: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:45 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:51 am
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*flyers have begun circulating and posters have been appearing on the walls recently advertising what one can only assume is a new club*


Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub

Do you know Seril Kane? If you don't, you've been living under a rock in some ditch on the side of the road. Seril Kane is a seventh year. Seril Kane is a Hufflepuff. Seril Kane is a Prefect.

And Seril Kane is the most leanable man in Hogwarts.

This club is for those of you who wish to enjoy leaning on Mister Kane on a semi-regular basis, or for those of you who agree that Mister Kane is very leanable, and wish your voice to be heard! If interested, contact any of the people named at the bottom of this paper, or sign the sign-up sheet, which will be passed around periodically!

A few ground rules:
-> Ladies (and gentlemen) . . . NO INTIMATE LEANING. Recreational leaning only. Bask in his leanableness for as long as is necessary, but no longer!
-> Should Mister Kane not wish to be leaned on, heed his wishes! His word is final in this club.
-> Do not ask Mister Kane to marry you. He will say no.

Verita Datten, President
Patrick Quigley, Vice President
Feargus MacDale, Recruitment

Recruitment Form

(( Post a reply to sign up, and this part of the post will be updated periodically with new/lost members ))

Verita Datten, President
Feargus MacDale, Recruitment
Patrick Quigley, Vice President
Florymonde de Bellehache, Poster Girl for LEOS
Necrolissica Crest
Evie Cromwell
Assorted Fictional Characters

Marta Chesfer, 7th Year Ravenclaw
Mist Griffon, 4th Year Hufflepuff

No Pikachus were harmed in the making of my avatar
The concept of chicken seniority hurts my brain.
"When you have one foot in your past, and one in your future, you wind up peeing all over your present." -Ann Magnuson

Last edited by Marta on Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:12 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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*Liss signs*

Necrolissica Crest


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:16 am 
Azkaban Warden
Azkaban Warden
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Evie reads the flyers and laughs, then seems to take an abnormally long time signing. When she walks away, her 'signature' reads:

Evie Cromwell
Snow White (when she's not being mean)
Sleeping Beauty
Prince Charming
& Dundee
(when he's not hungry).

"We are not bound forever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory."

 Post subject: Re: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:00 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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The halls would be dimly lit in the early evening as Jinx wandered the dungeons. He stopped at one of the posters as it caught his attention. With a scrutinizing eye he read it over and let out a soft cackle.

He then looked over each of his shoulders spotting no student. Once he ensured his isolation from view, he smirked to himself. Then, with a quick draw from his pocket, he placed the tip of his wand against the bottom of the paper and smirked as a small spark flew out the tip of his wand and onto the paper. The paper would begin to burn until nothing was left but a few specks of ash on the ground.

Satisfied, Jinx pocked his wand and continued off towards the Slytherin Common room, repeating the process for each poster he encountered.


 Post subject: Re: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:05 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Oddly, on any old posters and the recruitment form, Marta's name and position have been scratched off, and in the same writing as her signature, the necessary changes to the group hierachy were made. Any new posters bear no mention to her.

Marta Chesfer, 7th Year Ravenclaw
Mist Griffon, 4th Year Hufflepuff

No Pikachus were harmed in the making of my avatar
The concept of chicken seniority hurts my brain.
"When you have one foot in your past, and one in your future, you wind up peeing all over your present." -Ann Magnuson

 Post subject: Re: LEOS - The Lean Entirely on Seril Fanclub!
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:58 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Since before the werewolf incident began, most people didn't notice, but almost all, if not every single one of the posters everywhere (including the fakes) have been taken down, burned down, or disillusioned. If there is such an existing one, it is likely to be taken down quickly, and no mentions of them meeting are imminent. ((This can easily change with good RP, but that's not the general case here.))

All posters that possibly exist have all mentions of Patrick Quigley's name scratched out. Patrick himself is barely seen, and barely able to be talked to, so it is unknown if he has left the fan club or not.


Patrick Quigley, Seventh Year
Reuben Pumpkin, First Year Gryffindor.

I wrote:
I'm always the stupid loser who should just leave the mod and die.

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