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 Post subject: No place like home.
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:54 am 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 74
Location: DarkSyde of the moon
Dante liked bubbles.

The Ravenclaw pool was full of bubbles and warm water, that kind of perfect temperature when it engulfs your naked body, all worries and stress disappear, and you can do nothing but smile. The pool was missing something though.....something it's been missing for a while.

The blue robe hit the floor as the tall and clumsy Ravenclaw stood there, almost naked, wearing nothing but a pair of undergarments. He really didnt care at the moment, not knowing where his swimsuit was or having the energy to go look for one. He barely touched his foot to the warm water, and slowly inched his way in, feeling a million times better every inch.

It didnt take long for the Ravenclaw to fall asleep. He was tired, had a lot on his mind, and this was the best medicine for him right now. There was one thing on his mind though that made him the happiest Wizard to be alive. It was also the last thought in his mind, as he fell into a deep sleep.

'he was home.'

currently played character: Dante Lightfoot 7th year Ravenclaw

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