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 Post subject: All Dreams come with a Sacrifice.
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:01 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 409
Location: Arizona


Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Dear Mister Chance Athrun Ferrin,

The Minstry of Magic is proud to annouce that we have accepted you into becoming a Dragon Keeper. The followng letter includes instructions to accepting our invitation and also posted on this letter is your grades rewarded for your efforts:

First, you need to send an acceptance letter to Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to verify with us what you are planning to do. The Department will then contact you and you will be immediately go to basic training. Which will be made further aware after you accept, of course.
Next, you will then be shipped off to the Dragon Reservation located in Sweden where your internship will begin. It is required of you to listen and obey your teacher/guardian there. If he feel you are unco-operative we will take certain actions, depending upon the situation.
Last, After sucess as a intern will grant you to go and be a Dragon Keeper where-ever you wish. Remember, your choices are your alone. No one can make choices for you. Therefore, as you are an intern we hope you think hard and thoughtful of your decisions to be had in the future.

Your are No longer required to stay at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You can leave at your disposel. Your opportunity to become an intern in Sweden will last ONLY 6 months. After that, the opportunity could be lost and that chance shall be taken. Choose wisely on what you plan to do.

Here are your scores for test:

Proper way to retrieve Dragon Materials.(E)
Proper way to care and Manage Dragons.(O)
Signs a Dragon is pregnant.(A)
Proper way to Control a raged Dragon.(A)

Many useful ways of Dragon Materials.(O)
The Ten types of known Dragon and where to find them.(O)
Proper techniques for handle Dragons.(E)
Why you would like to become a Dragon Keeper?(O)

Once again, The Minstry of Magic congratulates you on your efforts. We hope we hear back from you soon.
(-Head of Department Unknown-)


P.S- Your intern reuires you to read: Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit.

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