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 Post subject: Bullseye
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:08 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:00 am
Posts: 941
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Evelyn cringed as the final arrow sailed through the air, into the old shed, through the broken window before finally planting itself firmly into the grass in the front yard. With a small sigh, she placed her bow onto the ground and tugged off her gloves. “Well... that sucked.”

Jogging up to the target, she rummaged around the grass for the arrows that had missed, before struggling with the ones which were stuck in the target. One by one, she slid them back into the leather quiver that was strapped to her back. Turning around, she stood there squinting at the sun, which was slowly beginning it’s descent into the horizon. The way the sun hit the fields of wheat around this time was always stunning. However, there was no time to waste. Quickly walking to her bow, she picked it up as she hurried back to the large, blue house she called home.


“Come on...”

Evelyn glared at the large wooden chest sitting on her bed. She tapped her foot, placing her hands on her hips as she quickly ran through her options. Take out my bow, arrows, and books, or force the bloody thing to shut. Her parents had helped her get almost everything she needed for Hogwarts already, the only problem was making it all fit. There was only one thing left to do, since she didn’t want to leave all her things at home. With that thought in mind, she hopped up onto the bed, and sat down on the chest.

Unable to defend itself, the chest was forced shut, and with one quick motion, Evelyn locked the chest up and hopped off. Landing easily on her feet, she threw her arms up into the air as she did her odd little victory dance. Although she sometimes got hell for it, that extra bit of weight she had packed on over the years came in handy in situations like that. Besides, her age usually helped her hide most of it, and at least she didn't look like a sack of bones.

Grabbing onto one of the handles, Evelyn began to slowly pull the chest off of the bed, centimetre by centimetre. She winced as the chest eventually slammed into the floor. Whoops... She laughed quietly as she flopped onto the bed, bouncing a few times on impact. She needed her rest tonight. Tomorrow, she was making one final trip to Diagon Alley, before heading off to Hogwarts. She wasn’t really sure that she wanted to go at this point in time, after all the things she heard about happening there in recent years. But it probably wasn’t that bad. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s people exaggerating things. Wiggling a bit, she shifted into a comfortable position, and closed her eyes.

 Post subject: Re: Bullseye
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:19 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:00 am
Posts: 941
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Evelyn closed her eyes, tilting her head back as she allowed her pale skin, rubbed raw, to seek refuge beneath the cool bath water. She had scrubbed away at her skin for what seemed to be forever with expensive soups as she tried to wipe of away the feelings of disgust she had with her own body. Amazing, how, when no other words can touch me, it only took the personal meaning of two simple words to drive me into this pathetic state. Her lips curved into a weak grin as that thought passed through her head. I said so myself - if there is one thing you can count on, its people exaggerating things. Perhaps, in this case, I am doing so with my own emotions.

She opened her eyes with the heavy sigh of someone who had far too many things to think about. Still, there was one thing Evelyn couldn’t deny. She felt... dirty, and used. Mother is right, as usual. I’m submitting: letting myself fall beneath the pressures of others far too easily. I don’t think I can ever be as strong as she is, however. Carefully, she shifted her position in the tub. She had filled it so high, that when the smallest of movements would cause the water to spill over the edges of the tub like a waterfall. I could’ve handled this better, even so. If only so that I wouldn’t have to walk around each day with doubt eating away at me.

Without much warning, she quickly stood up in the tub, causing the water to splash and tumble over the edges of the tub before calming down once more as she reached over to grab a towel. In one quick motion, she wrapped the towel around her swim suit. I can’t let this eat at me so much, I need to put a stop to this mess. Besides, who would I be without the occasional mood swing?

 Post subject: Re: Bullseye
 Post Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:42 am 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:00 am
Posts: 941
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Evelyn chewed on her bottom lip as she paced about the dorms, unaware of the fact the early morning rays had yet to even charge against the black clouds of night. Frustration and worry decorated her constantly changing expression. Two letters she had sent - both with no reply. The letters had been returned to her, the seal untouched, and her owl less then happy. Eve flopped down on her bed, huffing quietly as she bounced a few times. She was aware he probably liked his private time - Eve was picky about that sort of thing, herself - but Drado had never done anything like this to her.

Her stomach had knotted itself into a bow as a dark feeling of dread bored a hole inside of her. This isn’t right... Something has to be wrong. Running her hands through her hair, she frowned as the thought crossed her mind for what had to be the millionth time. Full moon tonight... The feeling she needed to do something was eating away at her, but she was scared. She didn’t know what she should do, nor did she want to do anything alone. All she could do now is sit, wait, and hope that Binky could return with any sign of Drado...

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