*page one*
OOC: the writing written with a shaky hand in Russian first & then neater in English
Running through the the halls, don't know where i'm going, but i have to get away, Their after us, "quick run left," "turn right," "no go back" fire smoke, up the stairs "quickly now," "faster Lyra, their gaining on us," "they're up stairs too Shacadia, now what do we do?," "quick in here,"
we're now in a room painted black, Lyra puts a chair against the door, i run to the window, "quick, Lyra help me, we need to open it", pushing the window, trying to open it, BANG BANG BANG, "hurry Shacadia, their trying to get in," i kick the window, the glass shatters, cutting my leg, we push the rest out, & i place my jacket over the sill, Lyra steps out onto the ledge, & runs down the fire escape stairs, i step out too,
The door brakes open behind me, i freeze, "run Shacadia, run," i look back at them, the enter the room, a large werewolf in the lead, "why are you doing this?", tears run down my cheeks, "Shacadia quick he'll kill you," "why Dad? i never did anything to you,"
fire bursts around me, as the werewolf steps forward, the flame engulfing my body, but it doesn't burn, "Dad? stop this!", "Shacadia? Shacadia?" screams Lyra from below, my heart beating faster, i turn & jump,
"leave us be" i say falling, the ground seams so far below, not the 25storeys it truly is, "Shacadia!!! NO, SHACADIA", I hit the ground, a sudden crack, "Shacadia" Lyra runs to where i lay, tears streaming down her pale face, "Shacadia come back, i can't do this alone", my blood everywhere, she lays down weeping beside me, my body half in her lap, "Shacadia i need you", our father upstairs grinning down on the sight, says some words Lyra can't hear, Lyra lets out a shilling scream, a sudden crack, there we lay hand in hand, Dead