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 Post subject: Letters
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:00 am 
Forum Troll King
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Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1801
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys
Maybe the letter comes slipping under the door while you're sitting on your bed. Maybe
you wake up to find it in your lap. Perhaps it's taped to your forehead and perhaps it's
folded up in your breakfast muffin.

Everyone gets their letter in a different way. But everyone gets one.

Those who don't find their letters the first day instead find it the second. The
mysterious mailman misses no student in the school while making his rounds in the night.

Maybe light footsteps are heard around the corner. Maybe the pile of books in your room
tips over in the night. These are the only signs of that messenger in the school.

Each postcard is completely identical and yet each seems to carry the weight of a note
written entirely by hand.




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