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 Post subject: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:28 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Posts: 650
[Before I start, this is an open Roleplay. Which means you can post here if you want- although, judging how not many of you do join in, I doubt this is necessary. Feel free to prove me wrong. ;D]

Those who were loitering round in the Entrance Hall probably would've heard the soft shuffling of feet entering from the antechamber. Behind a stack of carboard boxes, there was the first year known as Abigail Feltz; struggling to carry the weight of the containers filled with old Vinyl Records. In the middle of whispering the quiet words of motivation and encouragement, something (or most likely someone, but she never could tell at Hogwarts) pushed violently past her, with a loud cry of, "Dibs on playing Seeker!" As quickly as the first, more people began to run down the stairs past her, causing her to easily loose her balance. Acting on split reactions, she froze and shut her eyes tightly.
When the silence came back, she opened her eyes slowly, to see the mess on the floor that was once a bunch of lovely records. With a sigh, she picked up a fragment which read 'Etta James - I'd Ra' with the end most likely on another piece.
She sighed once more, before beginning to gather up the mess by herself.

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:50 am 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Humming loudly, Lisa skips through the Hall. Hearing the noise of the vinyls smashing to a million bits she stops.

What was that?

Pushing open the door, she peers inside with large and frightened hazel eyes. Shortly spotting Abbi she lets loose a short sigh of relief and rushes forward.

"Do you need any help?" Looking at the mess.

Πάνω απ 'όλα, φύλακας καρδιά σου, επειδή είναι η ανεξάντλητη πηγή της ζωής. Παροιμίες 4:23

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:13 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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As a shadow fell across the record breakage, Abbi took a sweeping gaze upwards to her new helper.

"Yes, please. It would be appreciated." She replied with a small smile. At least someone had come to help.
Going back to scooping up the mess and placing it into the boxes, a glint caught her eye amongst the rubbish. As she grabbed the record and pulled upwards, she smiled happily.

"At least one of them was kept intact." She placed that to the side, and continued with the labour.

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:51 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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"So, uhm, what happened?"

With a stifled giggle she continued to pick up the pieces of the catastrophe.

// Hahaha, not feeling very creative at the moment.

Πάνω απ 'όλα, φύλακας καρδιά σου, επειδή είναι η ανεξάντλητη πηγή της ζωής. Παροιμίες 4:23

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:02 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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"Oh. The Quidditch Team rushed past in a rather rude fashion for their practice." She started to mumble, clearing her speech half way through. To her delight, another vinyl was unscathed, having fallen on top of several others in its case.

"Thank you ever so much again for helping me." Abbi curtly nodded, before scooping up some more mess into a box.

// Haha, I have to say the same for myself.

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:26 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Lisa cocked her head to the side, trying to hear the muttered words. But with her poor Listen skill she failed. With a light giggle she held out her hand to the girl.

"I'm Lisa, by the way. In case you were wondering. Which you probably weren't, but I'm going to tell you just in the event that you might. And now I'm rambling and it's never going to end. I can't stop myself... Ahhh! Okay, I think I'm good." The crazy girl stuck in the conversation. For spicing. "Oh, and you're welcome."

Πάνω απ 'όλα, φύλακας καρδιά σου, επειδή είναι η ανεξάντλητη πηγή της ζωής. Παροιμίες 4:23

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:35 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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"Oh." She giggled slightly, "You are so very rambunctious. I'm Abigail Feltz, pleased to meet you."
She took her hand lightly and shook it, before dropping her arm to her side. After shoveling one last scoop of broken vinyl into a box, she pulled out a packet of Felt Tips that were poking their heads out of her jacket. The tatty packaging has a 'Z' drawn in after the word 'Felt.'

After writing 'Broken' on one box and 'OK' on the other, she shoved her feltz tips away and nodded to Lisa.

"Right. Now I had better get to carrying these down to my common room."

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:40 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:15 pm
Posts: 962
"Oh, would you like any help with that?"

Rushing forward she gripped a hand underneath one of the boxes, attempting to hold onto it to prevent any of the vinyls to fall to their cool stony demise.

Πάνω απ 'όλα, φύλακας καρδιά σου, επειδή είναι η ανεξάντλητη πηγή της ζωής. Παροιμίες 4:23

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:51 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Posts: 650
"Yes, please. It would be very much appreciated."

Sliding a hand underneath the boxing, she lifted it up and began to half carry half drag the box down to the common room.

// Writer's blooooock.

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Feltz Tips
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:16 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:13 am
Posts: 35
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire, England
// May I join in?

[Of course! No one needs to ask. :) - Rak]
[It's mega fun too, thanks for joining! :D - Nannercakes]

My hemlock tastes funny professor... Eeurgh. *thump!*

Look at the dinky little avatars!

Heidi Sorngeld, Xalos Chzem, Arren "Grin" Gatsby, Celdor Grunwalder, Ryiadrin Stalrous
Last bumped by Rakashak on Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:16 pm.

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