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 Post subject: A Shattered Mind (Kylindra Valerine)
 Post Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:10 am 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:41 am
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This post has been redone as I apparently got anything Tera would've said completely wrong. If anyone has read the previous write-up, please disregard it.

After being examined at Hogwarts Hospital Wing, it had been discovered that Kylindra was placed under a heavy mind-controlling curse. It wasn't like Imperio where the subject was immediately affected, it was something that worked slowly for more strong minded individuals, implanting suggestions and causing moments of insanity if resisted. She was sent to St. Mungo's, where a team of clerics fought to break the curses hold on her. In the end they managed to do it, but Kyli was left essentially in a comatose state. Nobody knew what kind of damage might have been done to her mind. In truth, her mind was like a broken mirror now. She lay there asleep for hours, the pieces trying to fit themselves back into place.

Dialogue Color Guide

White - Mysterious Internal Voice
Crystal Blue - Kylindra Valerine
Dark Green - Tera Jallebin
Blue - Florymonde de Bellahace
Amethyst Purple - Amy Valerine
Red - Ana Celine
Yellow - Ares Richard Keeferson

Background music for inside her mind

*pitch black darkness, yet a strange feeling of consciousness. Too weak to move*

"That was a close one. Used to be you could fight off just about any curse."
"What? ...Who.. are you?"
"Then again you were always too stubborn for your own good. Almost gotten yourself killed more than once."
"I... did..?"

*other voices come. They sound close, yet strangely like echos*

"That was... my name."
"Kylindra Valerine. You are grounded."
"...For what?"
"So many who looked up you, yet you go against their wishes."
"Who are you..? What is this..?"
"Kyli.. don't leave us.."
"Is that..?"
"Cheri, I will not lose you too."
"Flory... what is... happening to me?"
"Remember who you are. Remember the people you loved and cared for. They still remain here for you."
"But... I let them down, didn't I?"
"You can't take everything alone sister."
"Yet.. I tried to."
"Who said you 'ad to protect everyone? If you must, look out for your friends."
"I was too dangerous for friends..."
"How careless to try and abandon them. Haven't you learned anything?"

*Brief flashes of the faces of all who have spoken, except the mysterious voice*

"Amy.. Ana.. Tera... Keef.."
"You used to trust them all, you believed in them."
"Yes.. I did. They were the best."
"What do you think they feel of you?"
"Not much... I'm not worth it."
"A lost soul, needing guidance."
"You are going to get yourself killed one of these days."
"Yeah... sounds about right."
"No dying yet kiddo. I'm the one who is supposed to go first, remember?"
"Please.. I don't want to lose another friend.."
"But.. I have to fight. Its part of me.."
"You can't fight every battle."
"I can try..."
"Then why are you in a hospital?"
"I.. can't remember."
"Poor Kylindra. Always trying to take on more than you can handle. What exactly were you trying to prove?"
"I... don't know anymore..."

*a flash of Florymonde, holding her left hand up, a gold ring shining on her ring finger*

"Do you remember zis? Remember the promise you made me?"
"You're not a monster Kyli. There are people who care about you, who will fight for you."
"Amy.. But I let you all down.."
"Yet is forgiveness not part of friendship?"
"I am beyond forgiveness."
"Maybe you should let them decide that."

*The voices of her friends start to sound much clearer, and a strange sinking feeling comes over her*

"They're calling for you."
"Wait! Who are you?!"
"Is she waking up?"

*Strength starts to return to her body, and then she is blinded by a light.*

Zackary Fang -- Kylindra Valerine

 Post subject: Re: A Shattered Mind (Kylindra Valerine)
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:57 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:13 am
Posts: 35
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire, England
//Would it be okay if Xalos came in on this? He and Ana would be together a lot, and he respects Kylindra very strongly

Xalos leant up against the wall, rubbing a smudgy spot on his breastplate. He heard voices from inside the Hospital Wing, including the sharp, painful tones of Ana being upset. He didn't know Kylindra too well, but the girl was strong, and honorable. He respected that. Playing over in his mind was the main concern, a wanting, that he and Kylindra could fight again, sometime.
He winced again. He could imagine the tears on Ana's face, and tried to ignore that image as best he could.

After five minutes, it got too much for him. He opened the door to see what was going on. Most of these people he did not recognise - only Kylindra and Ana.

"Is, errm... are you alright in here?" he said, anxiously.

My hemlock tastes funny professor... Eeurgh. *thump!*

Look at the dinky little avatars!

Heidi Sorngeld, Xalos Chzem, Arren "Grin" Gatsby, Celdor Grunwalder, Ryiadrin Stalrous

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