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 Post subject: Therapeutical Treatment. ::Closed RP Post::
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:23 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sun May 03, 2009 2:40 pm
Posts: 221
OOC: The following is IC, but OOC Information. Unless you are told in game you know, don't mention it IC. If you do, it will be ignored. You've been given fair warning.

Tera sat in the chair, her curly hair down, legs up on the seat with her as she gazed out the window.

"What is the point of this?"

"To make you better, dear." Female Therapist (From here on, Fran)

"Better? What's wrong with me?" Tera.

"What do you think is wrong with you?" Fran.

"A lot is wrong with me, by normal, human standards. By mine? Just a few things." Tera.

"By normal standards then, what do you think is wrong with you?" Fran.

Tera sighs and looks toward the woman, narrowing her eyes. "What do you think you can do for me? Previous therapists weren't capable."

"This time you don't have much choice dear, Tell me about your parents, were they neglectful or abusive?" Fran.

Tera looks away. "They're dead. What does it matter? The past is the past, get over it."

"Can you get over it?" Fran.

"I already have, can't you tell?" Tera.

"You didn't answer my question." Fran.

"They weren't abusive, nor neglectful." Tera.

"Did you have any siblings?" Fran.

"A sister." Tera. "Tell me about her, what was her name?" Fran.

Tera closes her eyes. "Let's talk about something else. When do I get to leave?"

"What would you like to talk about?" Fran.

"I don't like being here, seeing a shrink. I don't require your services. I'm only here because I am forced to be." Tera.

"Does it bother you? Seeing a therapist to help with your problems?" Fran.

"I could be a therapist. I don't -need- one. If not for that.. creature. I wouldn't even be in this mess." Tera.

Fran looks up and nods. "That's all our time for today, Tera, I'll see you next week."

"If I'm still alive, sure." Tera.

Tera Jallebin - 7th Year Slytherin

"Up yours Hogwarts, Scotty the man!" - ASoL to RT on Porting

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