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 Post subject: Nature versus Nurture: Felix's mental onslaught
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:52 am 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 92
((Largely OOC to everyone, however some of this is relevant to the one or two PC's (lol Felix has almost no friends :lol:) that have experienced both sides of Felix.))

This takes place within the mind of Felix Delgado, while he remains restrained in a straight jacket to a bed in St. Mungo's.

In the heart of a desolate desert, A dark figure stood. He was enormous in stature, standing six foot and four inches tall and built like a brick house. Draped and cloaked in jet black silk garments, it did not seem to bother him that the sun was searing down like the ruthless lashes of a whip. The man stood alone, not seeming to do anything other then stand there, like a guard dog. He never flinched, not even for something as mundane as scratching an irritating itch.

The desert laid silent, as if defeated by the mans mere presence. It was then, at that very moment a gentle breeze rushed over the barrens and enveloped the man in itself. It lingered before forming a presence behind the cloaked man. The new figure equaled the man in height and size, however he was donning a pale white copy of the black robes seen on the other man. As if he could see through the back of his head, the dark figure spoke. Gruff and intimidating, a thick air of smug confidence well coupled with an even thicker Spanish accent coated his words.

"Why show yourself now, Azrael? Why don't you go and cower some more?"

The man in white known as Azrael chimed in. His voice serene and aged with the feel of wisdom, albeit distant like he had no particular purpose or passion in his words.

"How welcoming of you Zephyr, or should I call you Alfonos, or Felix? As you so assume the liberty to those names.."

Zephyr barked his words at Azrael. "You know aswell as I do that you can't fight me. Felix is mine to control. He cannot run from his nature any longer."

"You may indeed be strong Zephyr, But I am still here. Your claim to the boy is sorely mistaken." Azrael's words appeared like a whisper through his deep sigh.

Scowling under his hood, his features hardened like stone Zephyr's voice shook with booming anger. "Your ignorance is insulting, I am Felix!"

At that moment a harsh sandstorm trampled through them knocking the hoods of both men down. The features of the one known as Zephyr did indeed resemble Felix, though much darker in features. While the white robed man known as Azrael appeared faint in his complexion, the only thing even remotely resembling Felix was the long forgotten natural blue eyes. They stood out like sapphires, other wise Azrael looked as if he could fade away at the slightest movement.

Azrael's voice remained calm and tranquil. "Not without me you arn't.."

Zephyr snapped. He spun around and his hand latched around Azrael's throat. He begun to squeeze with merciless dedication.
"Everyday, a little piece of you becomes another piece of me. You are worthless. You will soon be nothing." He suddenly released the grip on Azrael's neck, with a feral snarl.

"If.. I am nothing.. why don't you .. kill... me?" Azrael choked out his words in a whisper of a voice recovering his breath.

Zephyr growled impatiently "You know as well as I do, that neither of use can physically kill off one another without threatening our own existence!" His eyes like burnt coals locked on Azrael. "I will not fall for your pathetic games. I will control Felix, not even your irritating words can change that."

"I wouldn't be so sure. I alone my not possess the strength, But I am fueled by the very thing strong enough to overtake you.." Azrael's voice had returned to normal, though he rubbed his neck still feeling the pain.

A roar of thunderous laughter bellowed from Zephyr. "You mean love? Don't make me laugh. No one loves him. Do you not remember that harlot that broke his heart, hmm? The fact his own father tried to kill him? His mother breaking off all contact with him?" Zephyr crossed his arm triumphantly across his chest."The boy has to much hate for all living beings to experience love. Your power is weakened day by day. While I grow stronger. His hate feeds me. His need for someone that won't fail him. That will protect him."

"His past may be riddled with hardship, but his friends, though they be few. Care a great deal.. " Azrael pleaded his cause though weaker then before.

"Friends?" Zephyr rolled another intimidating laugh from deep in his chest outwards. "You mean that one little girl that comes and pesters me? She's nothing."

"But what of the other girl, her visits may be less frequent yet she stirs something warm even in the pit of your black heart.. This you cannot deny, I've seen it." Azrael gave one last plug at argument.

Zephyr was quicker to become enraged, growling in protest. "She does not! She is nothing aswell. If anything even less!"

"You cannot hide it. You care for her, although you hardly know her. She struck something in you. Your even starting to care for the little girl that visits regularly as well.. You may be an animal, you may win. But even animals possess compassion in some ways. That is a piece of me that will change you, even if just a little." Azrael seemed to smirk, knowing full well his words hit home.

Zephyr backhanded Azrael square across the jaw, sending him spiraling sideways as his dissolved into air, and like the same breeze that brought him in, he gently blew away to the echo of Zephyr's words.

"Be gone you worthless train wreck! I will not tolerate your presence any longer."

Alone again, Zephyr stood. This time, he silently pondered the truths displayed to him. His features remained hardened, though he was baffled at how this could happen. He was starting to care for the almost complete stranger, even for the little girl.

Ryan Bishop - Ravenclaw
Salem Delacroix - Slytherin
Felix Delgado - Gryffindor

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