World of Harry Potter Forums

(OPEN) Wishes by the Lake
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Author:  Zimarra [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  (OPEN) Wishes by the Lake

Caitlyn sat quietly by the lake gathering the last pieces of her wish-boat. She had managed to convince the House elves to give her a basic white candle to place in the middle of the bark boat. Upon the boat ferns and small acorns were placed with care. A small sturdy stick in the middle functioned as a mast. Caitlyn quickly wrote a wish upon a piece of parchment and threaded it through the stick to a make a sail. When she was ready she took a muggle lighter she mooched from someone and set the small, what the muggles would call a "tealight", candle ablaze. With a qentle push she set the tiny craft on it's watery journey.

In the quiet and peace, Caitlyn watched the boat float further and further away. The quiet ripples in the water slowly growing further and further apart. While she was still watching the small craft voyage further into the lake she took out her harp and began to play quietly. The music floated over the water and seemed to propel her wishes to whom ever may hear them.

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