Felix FiniteFelix Finite is a light-blue potion that induces a sense of irrational sadness upon the drinker. When ingested by those under the effects of Euphoria Elixir, or any sort of happiness elixir, it works as a counter-effect concoction. The liquid itself is rather cold to touch, and a complete vial of it will be enough to bring up a dying feel of sadness, so its use must be supervised by a capable healer.
Addicted patients have the need to ingest large amounts of happiness elixirs. Simply prohibiting them to get access to such elixirs generally leads to an increase of aggression and mental related trauma. The treatment with Felix Finite consists in providing the patient a modified happiness concoction, in order to reduce its effects gradually until the patients needs it no more. It is a less intrusive and gently manner to handle the addiction, preserving the mind and body of the patients.
Uses: Treatment of induced happiness addicted.
Side-Effects: If ingested without any sort of happiness elixir or charm in effect, symptoms such as excessive sadness, depression, sense of desperation and light sensibility might occur to the drinker.
Characteristics: Light-reflective blue color. Cold to touch.
Ingredients: Shrivelfig, dried mallowsweet leaves, water from the mouth of a stream near the peak of a mountain, mixed in an adamantine cauldron. After 2 hours brewing, the brewer must cast the spell Depressius at the concoction and let it rest for a day. Peppermint should be added in order to remove any chance of side-effects.