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Lubdus' almost diary
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Author:  AfroTash [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Lubdus' almost diary

~The Following notes would be written down eloquently on random scraps of paper which are then stuffed into a small, dark, mahogany case.~


Author:  AfroTash [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lubdus' almost diary

Hello Mister 'Diary'.

The Doctor's have decided I should keep you and write to you as often as I can, if I feel like it- really. This sort of confuses me, since I never wanted to keep you in the very first place, no offence. It seems sort of strange that they suddenly wanted me to begin keeping you but I guess they have their reasons.

I've been starting to feel ready to interact with other people more and feel myself getting a little less nervous around certain people nowadays but it feels like people are pressuring me to interact more. I feel that certain people are more ready to accept me than other's but I don't want to let go in case I become agressive, like last time.

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