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 Post subject: Secret's of a silent book, without a cover.
 Post Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:47 pm 
Game Master
Game Master
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Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:53 pm
Posts: 442
Location: Mungo's Physc Ward
*Nathan pulls a black covered book from his bag and start to write.*
Dear Journal,

Had a charms class today. She denied that John hates me. I know he does. I got hurt and he didn't even try to help. He wouldn't move across the room during class because he didn't want to be near me. She said he did not want to disrupt class and told me to move instead. She knew he wouldn't move if she didn't so she told me to move near them. I moved close to her. I also found out worms can be huge!
They came in late the other night. She was asleep, he was carrying her. She woke up and kissed him before going up to her dorm. They think I tripped when I got hurt, I didn't. I love her so much.
It sucks not to hear, you can't talk ethier. You can hardly ever do anything by yourself. I mean I always write to someone to talk. But they might not be able to read my writing. I hope that never happens.
Funny how life is, I mean one minute you are climbing a ladder, the next you are falling. You fall, and fall over again, doing everything you can to get to the top, only if someone was there to give you a hand when you truly need it.

*Slips the book back in his bag and heads out from the owlery and down towards the Common Room*

 Post subject: Re: Secret's of a silent book, without a cover.
 Post Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:36 am 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:06 am
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*John writes in the journal*

Dear Nathan,

This is John Galt speaking.

It is most unfortunate that you are in such bad shape, but I'm afraid your situation gets worse. For, you see, you have a rare condition known as "Kevin Syndrome". You seem to have fallen-head-over-heels for a girl you've only just met recently and know hardly anything about. In a more severe case I would recommend surgery, but you seem fairly calm.

I would also like to point out that I do not hate you. While my first impression wasn't at all ideal, I do not hate you. I don't know you well enough to hate you.

John Galt, Third Year Ravenclaw

*He shuts the book, walks over to sleeping beauty, and tucks the book under Nathan's covers in his bed in the Hospital Wing*


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