(( Not a journal, nor does it follow a time line. Scrapbook of scattered memories more so, some will be in the first person and some in the third.
Soren narrows his eyes at her, fist clenching and releasing slowly at his side. The words she spoke went right through him. His responses to comfort her were fake, with each false reassurance was another clenched fist. The boy desperately wanted to walk away from her at this moment, as this was not a good moment. Didn't she release how much this was frustrating him? Couldn't she see the sweat beading on his forehead?
Clearly not, as it continued.
A bubble of irritation began to build up and rise through him. Blood boiling and hair rising on ends. The heat he felt previously was now turning into a cold sweat. Soren glanced up at the sky, wishing for a rain shower. The nausea he began to feel in his stomach couldn't possibly be normal. How could a simple counsel of this lost, young girl disturb the Ravenclaw so greatly? Soren took a deep breath, attempting to honestly listen to her and honestly give good advice. Each bit of advice he gave was a small stab at her in itself, but she must've not noticed Soren decided.
She smiled, the smile looked real enough. He must've gotten through to her. Did she have an epiphany that all this was ridiculous? He returned a weak, shakey smile. She began to turn and Soren's temperature began to return to normal. He breathed a sigh of relief, watching her figure grow smaller and smaller in the distance. He turned and began to wander in the opposite direction. Finally, he thought.
It was just one of those turns.
_________________ <3 <3 <3Characters ~~ Soren DaeinCeline Emmette