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 Post subject: Into the Shadows - Sylar Shadows
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:41 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Thu May 20, 2010 11:34 am
Posts: 425
Sylar stood in the empty Ravenclaw commons at the peak hour of the night holding his wand out, continuously practicing with his wand in circular motions. "Lumos," he'd say but to his dismay he was unsuccessful.

The new school life had hit the poor kid rather hard - having met so many people he would deem as direct lunatics. Unfortunately for him, the craziness of the people in his new school made not only his studying difficult but also his tolerance levels.

"If they can do it, I must be able to too." The boy said to himself, "I can figure this out, I'm not a fool or an invalid. I'm lucky - I'm special... I'm going to make my family proud."

The boy followed the motions again. "Lumos," his wand tip light up shallowly - but it was enough for him. "From this day forth - I will find, discover, and learn as many spells as I can. Make as many potions as I can... and rebuild my family's name.... whats after lumos? Nox.... hmm...Okay, Nox it is."

 Post subject: Re: Into the Shadows - Sylar Shadows
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:48 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Thu May 20, 2010 11:34 am
Posts: 425
"Lumos." The wand lights up.

"Nox." It darkens.

"Lumos." The wand lights up again.

"Nox." Nothing.

"Nooooxxx." He says with more agitation. Once again nothing.

"This is stupid," He sighs while watching the light on his wand. "Actually, what can I do with this light. Can I throw it across the room to light up a corner? Can I make it so bright that I can blind someone? Can I make it so potent that it burns? What can I do with this little ball of light?"

Suddenly from the other room next to him he hears a knock on the wall. "Shut up, New kid."

He would sigh and whisper to himself once again. "Nox." His light on his wand went out.
Then quietly to himself. "What could I do with Nox?"

 Post subject: Re: Into the Shadows - Sylar Shadows
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:40 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Thu May 20, 2010 11:34 am
Posts: 425
Young Sylar stood at the main entrance to the dungeons of Hogwarts, "Deep breath." He started to walk down the dark stair well and quickly he lit his wand, "Lumos!" The circular flourish waved out in front of him while the walls of the dungeon corridor were brightened greatly. He began to walk down the hall holding his wand carefully in front of him - His eyes darting from wall to wall as he continues to walk.

He would carefully point his lit wand in the direction of other branching hallways as he continued to walk - half expecting someone to be down there with him. Then he saw the potions classroom and hurried his way inside.

He shut the door behind him with a sigh, then got to work on his potion. He placed his cauldron on the table, then quickly put a Belladonna Leaf and a Unicorn Tail Hair. He aimed his wand gracefully at the pewter cauldron - drawing a fire with it before yelling, "Incendio!"

The fire failed to light the cauldron. "Oh, Come on!!!"



"Incendio - Incendio! Incendio, Incendio, Incendio... COME ON!!!!"

With a sigh he takes one more moment and then once more with motions. He cries out, "INCENDIO!" The cauldron starts to heat up quickly, Sylar grabbed onto his ladle and began to stir the cauldron contents clockwise.

"In just a minute this will be complete - and then I can leave." He looked over cautiously to the door. "Just one, short, little minute."

 Post subject: Re: Into the Shadows - Sylar Shadows
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:42 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Thu May 20, 2010 11:34 am
Posts: 425
"Thanks to Professor Lupin and Professor Moody, I have finally learned how to duel a little. I have even learned both Tarantallegra and Stella Volarus. Tarantallegra seems to force the target organic to dance for my amusement - I was told by Professor Lupin that this could force someone to dance to the outside of the dueling line. Where as Stella Volarus is a magical missle charm that sends a blue burst of magical energy into my foes." Sylar smiled at the thought about how happy his father will be when he finds out how much he has learned in his short time at Hogwarts. The boy couldn't help but be disappointed though - that even though he has learned how to cast the spell Hypno - he has not been able to cast it successfully yet. As he thought about this and how he could get better he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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