World of Harry Potter Forums

Employment in Knockturn
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Author:  Necromancer367 [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Employment in Knockturn

Somehow word would have found its way around, unsurprising for anyone familiar with the Hogwarts Grape Vine, that there is an employment opportunity to anyone interested in Bartender or Waiter/Waitress positions for an upcoming business looking to open in the near future. It's said the Person of Contact is Durious Black, and he can be owled if interested.

Author:  D_Black [ Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Employment in Knockturn

// Send me a forum PM if your character is seeking employment.

Author:  Yendys [ Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Employment in Knockturn

// Head DM reminder about PC employment while at school: It is ALLOWED to take part-time jobs or internships as long as curfew is obeyed(even of-age students must be in their dorms between 11 and 5, exceptions to this require DMed RP to back it up or your character is considered to be in violation). Students who are under the age of 17 would also not be allowed to work outside Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, with professor knowledge at least - it's absolutely okay to RP that they're deceptive about where they work, but they would not get professor recommendations and would be breaking the rules if they choose to take that path, with consequences if they are caught. Most NPC businesses would likely not hire below the age of 15 or 16, as a rule of thumb, and if the job involves using magic at all, not before 17. In this case, it is a PC-run business, and the age limit will have to be taken up IC with the PCs who run it.

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