World of Harry Potter Forums

Even More Posters
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Author:  Nikblade [ Tue May 08, 2007 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Even More Posters

Priggo stalks the school, sending large posters spilling from the tip of his
umbrella up onto the walls. Wherever a professor has asked him to take
them down, he has obliged, but other than that, he's shown little regard
for where the posters find themselves.

On the poster is the large, signature emblem of the Panther's: two large,
black cats up on their hind legs, joined by the front paws.

Below it, in Priggo's usual wand-writing;

"I have returned, and am looking for capable youngsters capable of
meeting the unusual demands of the fast-moving wizarding world. Gender
and house is not an issue. No specific goals, just people helping people.

See Priggo Seville of Slytherin House."

Priggo nods appreciatively at his finished work and heads off.

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