World of Harry Potter Forums

The Quidditch League
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Author:  JBMT [ Wed May 09, 2007 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  The Quidditch League

The young Hufflepuff boy was jumping up and down on his bed in the Hufflepuff Boys' Dormitory excitedly when his two best friends came into the room.

"There are going to be Quidditch tryouts! Don't you two know anything?!" The boy laughed merrily at his friends and quickly back-flipped on his bed, bouncing to the floor.

His bright happy eyes met those of his somber companions. "Oh, come on! I know we're only Third Years, but you never know--Captain Evie might have just the spot for ME on her team! She just LOVES me!"

The other two boys looked at each other slowly and then back to their friend, their faces stony. "Frankie..." one of the boys began. "We heard a rumor," his friend finished.

Frankie's friends looked to each other again and determined to spill the story, even though it would surely upset their House mate. "We've heard a rumor that there is going to be a... a GIRLS' Quidditch team!"

"And someone said Evie might be joining... and quitting the Hufflepuff Team." the other friend added.

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