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 Post subject: Last Hurrah: Steven Walker
 Post Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:59 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:40 pm
Posts: 377
The sound of automatic gunfire filled the air as the muggle vehicles roared up to their camp. Looking to his father and mother across from him, Steven smiled and raised his mangled hand into the air, wand tip lit. The Signal given, the lights began. Muggles and Wizards alike lept from the brush and pinned the forces in the nearly abandoned camp. Steven, his parents, and their small force erupted from the tent. Spells and bullets flew everywhere as they began laying waste to the forces they fought.

//OOC: I feel like Matt doing his spurred me to do something I had been planning to do for Steven long before the server shut down. I lost time to play and I always loved Steven's story and where I pushed him to. It could be assumed he dropped out/Graduated a few years ago, but I wanted to write "His End."

Will finish it soon.

West Coltern:7th Year Ravenclaw EXPELLED
Steven Walker:7th Year Gryffindor

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