World of Harry Potter Forums

Guidelines for the RP Forums
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Author:  JBMT [ Wed May 23, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Guidelines for the RP Forums

Please observe good role-playing etiquette on these threads, just as you would in the actual game. Follow other mod rules and guidelines as appropriate, including language usage and treatment of other PCs.

Many of the narratives here describe actual events taking place in the mod. Needless to say, reading them here is OOC unless otherwise stated or explicitly implied.

Everything you post in this section should make sense in the context of the actual game. If you have any questions or uncertainties about what you are creating, please check with a game master.

Generally speaking, if what you are inventing will affect all the other player characters in some way, or create certain implications about the mod which might change the setting in some way, run it by a GM. For example, if you make character decisions about an NPC, say, a shopkeeper in Knockturn Alley, which will inevitably result in consequences to that NPC and necessitate changes in the build, give us a heads-up. :)

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