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 Post subject: Perom Leaf
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:46 am 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 74
Location: DarkSyde of the moon
Name: Perom Leaf
age: depending on year at hogwarts: first=13 second=14 third=15 fourth=16
sixth= 17 seventh= 18
house= hufflepuff
height= 5"0
favorite class= care of magical creatures(the only person who he will actually talk to for a long period of time is hagrid)

Extra info- If you ever met perom, you would prolly think he was a mute. You would prolly look at Perom as real strange or just......out there. He seldomly talks at all except when you get on the conversation of animals, Perom looooooooves animals, you can always see perom with one. When perom "does" talk, its usually a real low whisper thats really hard to hear. People think its funny to mess with perom's animal friends and perom does not like that, those are the people he truly dislikes.

Interests- He doesnt take much interest in cards or quidditch, he just likes to be alone with his pet.

currently played character: Dante Lightfoot 7th year Ravenclaw

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