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 Post subject: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:06 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Over the past couple months, the DM staff has been attempting to keep the server from being dragged through the mud, yet again, with pointless drama. Unfortunately, those involved will have it no other way. I would like to say that I -sincerely- apologize to the players and DM's alike to have to this.

A while back you all noticed that several DM's left the team. Three left for unrelated personal reasons, and we are all still on good terms and would happily welcome them back should they wish it. Two still actively play on the server.

One was removed for DM rules violations; severe abuse of DM authority and powers. Two DM's have since followed him off the server, as well as a few players.

Before Talia was removed from the DM team, he was given repeated warnings to cease the multiple abuses, which included spying on players to further his PC, relaying DM-privileged information to players in an effort to assist his PC, and other suspected but unconfirmed abuses that would dwarf the ones we know of for sure. Even without those, we spent the time to investigate and among myself, RT, and his team leader xephnin, that Talia had been given sufficient warning and would be removed from the team because he did not stop.

In the week leading up to this event, Talia knew he was in trouble and took it upon himself to begin the spreading of vicious rumors, using true facts (such as DM's leaving for personal reasons) twisted into a manipulative base of lies. Unfortunately, in his downfall, he convinced people and took them out with him.

Just like every time Talia's power as a DM has been threatened, he, through others, has begun to undermine the foundations of the security of the server through deception, manipulation, exaggerations, and flat out lies. He speaks for others when they have said no such thing. I will repeat that, because it's important: they claim others agree with them, that they have said things, that they have seen things and told them things. These things are more often than not, exaggerated, manipulated, out of context, or even -completely- fabricated.

We have logs, screenshots, and testimonies from many multiple DM's and players alike to support these claims. I will in no way consider releasing these to the forums or to people individually. They contain personal information, identities, private RP information, and confidences that I will not violate.

Not to mention, I -never- wanted things to get this far. Talia, even after being removed from the DM team, was welcomed to play as a player, contrary to the rumors that are being falsely spread. If he wasn't, we would have just banned him then and there.

Talia, of course, denies all of this. He claims he simply doesn't understand why on earth I felt he was a threat enough to ban him, and the others.

The fact that this hasn't been brought up is that because I have respected Talia, and the others involved, I have kept my mouth shut. I had no wish to make this personal. There was no need to take things this far. Unfortunately, they are forcing the issue. They forced it to the point of getting banned for the safety of the server, and they continue to force it to this very moment.

It pains me to drag the server through this, partly because I know they won't quit, and probably now will get even more vicious. But they have drawn the lines. They are smearing us, the server, and threatening all of this with deceit.

They, of course, say otherwise. And while I have it, I refuse to hand over the evidence that will only be twisted, manipulated, and be a betrayal of confidence to boot.

The things they are saying are gloom and doom for this server. Talia himself has constantly told people he's just waiting for the server to go down, and hopes for it. He will say otherwise. The others involved have harrassed players with "The server's going down the tubes" messages, in an attempt to convince them that it actually is. And it's working. They are being successful. This is why I have banned them; they are threatening this community with lies.

So, it has been forced. They will not let it go. Talia will tell you something completely different. That means it's up to you all.

This is the last I will speak of this. This will not be an ongoing discussion of mudslinging. I will put no further effort into this, now that I have been forced to do exactly what I hoped I'd not have to do. I have far better and more positive things to do for the server than continue with this mess any longer.

So the lines are drawn, and people make your decisions now on who you trust. I'll say nothing negative, do nothing, until it comes back to attack this server and this community.

And I say this to Talia, Allie, Pein, and others who intend on helping them undermine my home: Leave this community alone. Leave if you will, but leave us alone.

This server is -not- going down the tubes. We have had some drama over the last couple months, and it's worn on us all, and a ton of it can be directly linked straight back to this. It has been a constant diversion from the players, the ones who need and deserve our attention. I have had enough. I will not allow the spiteful, the power hungry, and the vengeful destroy the home this community has built, only because we decided to call someone on their repeated and multiple abuses, something that was our duty to the players to do.

I ask you all to stay strong and not allow this destroy us, because it can and will if we let them do this. And yes, I'm mad. I get mad when someone selfishly threatens the server, the home, and the people I love and care about and put my life into.

I'll close this out with another apology that it had to get this far, but the players deserve to know this with all the false smearing that's hurting us.

Let's get back to the RP, that's why we are here. That's where I will be.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:11 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Thank you...*hugs Calan* I know you didn't want it to go there. I, as a player, appreciate your straightforwardness.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
(inspired by the words of Edmund Burke)

(Jennie-Bear plays Samantha Hathaway, seventh-year Hufflepuff)

 Post subject: Re: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:18 pm 
Forum Third Year
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I'm with you Calan. And I appreciate it too, even though it would have been much better without having to get to this point.

Xem Nergen - 3rd year Hufflepuff
Zephyrus Syden - 1st year Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:40 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
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Actually, the reasons I opened up the Facebook discussion board were so that people could say good-bye. And to continue to keep in touch with people, since there has been precious little of that in the last month and a half - at least for me, even though I left before everyone else. Since I left, the only people to have said hello to me more than twice.... Well... Let's say that I only need one hand to count them.

My reasons for leaving were completely separate from anyone else's - I felt that there wasn't appropriate communication between the teams and when I brought up my concerns, I was insulted. The reason I left the DM team was because of the lack of communication.
The reasons I haven't come back - I have found a server that I enjoy playing on yes. And I haven't felt welcome to come back.

*is posting this on both these forums and the Facebook discussion group - which is not affliated with the server host or the current DM team in any way, save that they are also very welcome to read and post*

I'm sorry that giving people a place to talk to each other is being taken as an attack on the server, since it is not meant in that way at all.

Bread crusts are directly responsible for all forms of evil. - Elan the bard

 Post subject: Re: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:28 pm 
Azkaban Warden
Azkaban Warden
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Sagira wrote:
Actually, the reasons I opened up the Facebook discussion board were so that people could say good-bye. And to continue to keep in touch with people, since there has been precious little of that in the last month and a half - at least for me, even though I left before everyone else. Since I left, the only people to have said hello to me more than twice.... Well... Let's say that I only need one hand to count them.

You're welcome to say hi -too-, you know. :(

Sagira wrote:
I'm sorry that giving people a place to talk to each other is being taken as an attack on the server, since it is not meant in that way at all.

I don't understand, Coni. Pertaining to this debate, the facebook discussion group hasn't been an issue, as far as I can see...?

Mary Maywell, Ravenclaw, Resident Ray of Sunshine
Also, some other dudes I barely play.


 Post subject: Re: I had hoped it wouldn't have to go this far.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:33 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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I linked to this thread from a facebook group thread, that's why she is referencing it.

This thread wasn't intended to form a discussion or debate, it was informational. I very, very desperately want to move away from this.

I am locking this thread. Not because of what was said, but because I don't want this to end up more in the mud than it already is.

There are far, far better things to focus on.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

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