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 Post subject: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:36 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Week one

Dear Diary

It's been a week now since I have written to you and what a week it's been.
Started at Hogwarts despite my protestations with my parents who evidently care little about my feelings on the matter..but, here I am.

First day was horrid, saved only by a fortunate encounter with a new friend, Mel Addams...or so I thought...seems that has turned sour despite my efforts. She was kind then very confusing, no idea why and I'm still trying to make friends.

Started my first lessons which have been very tricky and difficult to understand where to go and what to do.
Maddie, another new friend..I think...has helped me, she's very impatient as I found out to my peril whilst travelling to some obscure place with Scorcha, ohh...Scorcha is another new girl who also suffered from Maddies behaviour...Maddie is nice though..despite her impatience.


Last edited by Fizzbang on Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:38 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Week Two

Dear Diary

Felt very sad again yesterday as Mel was horrible to me again.

She keeps going on about me being myself and how she has no time for people of my type, I'm so confused by it, I want to be her friend and now she's cold towards me
again. I couldn't face another day in that place.
Travelled to Diagon and wandered around some very dark alleys crying..how silly of me. It's scary there but being alone there felt friendlier than being alone at hogwarts at this moment.

Met an old gypsy woman who found me crying in a hallway, She was very odd, friendly though. We walked and talked about nature and its most wondrous secrets, her soothing voice captivated me as she led me deep into the dark alleys.
Her house was magical, with wondrous artifacts, smells and colours. We drank strange liquids and spoke for many hours. She gave me two beautifully bound books and told me studying them would lift my spirits.

"Captivating scents of the Forest" by Emelda Geyshaw

"Natures Poisons and cures" by Glynda Fablewick

I feel alive again, the books have lifted my spirits.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:40 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Week Three

Dear Diary

I made a wondrously divine perfume today called "Summer Breeze".

It's smell is one of a warm summer meadow. Flower petals infused with plant oils give a feeling of sleeping in a warm meadow surrounded by flowers and butterflies.
I am trying a few variations on this one once I get the flowers I need.

In celebration of my first perfume, I have named my pet monkey Summer Breeze, he has no idea really, but in time he will respond to it, if he ever stops licking his bottom.

Tried my first poison today, the ingredients are harder to come by but I think my first one is ready for testing. Its name is "Widows Bracelet" and delivers a mild paralysis of the arms. I need to test it on Summer Breeze.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:42 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Week Three part two

Dear Diary

Testng on Summer Breeze was tricky as I think he sensed something, eventually I placed it upon a fig and he never saw it coming...

He is getting over the effects of it after I tested the antidote. He seems happy now but is no longer keen on figs, I'll have to switch to other treats in the future.

My first two successes are most exciting and I gave some "Summer Breeze" to a few of the older girls. I am now working on a seasonal variation called "Autumn Dream"


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:03 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

Travelled to see the old gypsy again this evening, they never spotted my absence during curfew as I slipped out via the floo network. When we first met, she had promised to offer me something as a reward for my first success with my poisons.

I wasn't to be disappointed as she seemed very impressed with my first efforts, needless to say, I am in the possesion of a rather splendid charm that radiates an odd warm sensation. I have placed it upon a necklace I was given by my grandmother. The old gypsy said that this charm would look over me, it's pretty, but is merely a trinket I think.

Summer breeze doesn't like the trinket much, he keeps slapping it with his paw, I think he is still upset with me for the fig incident,

Hope to see Maddie tommorrow, she's nice, I really like her. Mel is a horrible to me as ever, she clearly is ignoring me now.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:47 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

Interesting day, I hope this diary doesn't get into the wrong hands as I skipped two days study whilst visiting Merordith, that's the name of the old Gypsy woman.
Her house is full of the most exciting objects and I am really getting on well with her. She said I can visit her every day in the evenings to practice making poisons and perfumes, it's easier to do there as she has all the ingredients in jars and bottles. This is most exciting.
Summer Breeze has a cold I think, he has been sniffing all morning. I think I'll try a cure Merordith gave me for him..she said it will sort him out.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Dalston
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:05 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

Spent the night around Merordith's again, I get so wrapped up in the work that I suddenly realise the time has gone.
I hardly ever sleep in the Dorm anymore, nobody seems to notice and the stupid prefects are never going to catch me in the floo network, so I can come and go at leisure.

Merordith invited me to meet some friends of hers tomorrow, she says they would llike to see some of my work and meet me. I am a bit nervous as I have seen a few people visit her and they look a bit scary, I am sure she will look after me.

Summer Breeze is better today after the medication Merordith gave me. Which is good, I don't like to see him suffering. I suppose I must attend some classes now and then or someone will think something odd is going on...besides, I miss seeing Maddie and Wesley.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:00 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

I had to write as I finally succeeded in using a certain liquid to the ends necessay.
She had it coming to her...Merordith said that the beauty of this method is that you never see the suffering..but how I longed to see her suffer. She humiliated me in front of everyone that day and now it is my time to cause her so much pain.

Do I regret it?....maybe...maybe in that she deserved more.

I feel so tired.....


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:42 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

Escaped the dopey prefects again..trickier this time as they were buzzing around the events in the Great hall...I don't think they suspect little old me. I mean..why would they?

Had to get out quick as Merordith was expecting me...I also got rid of any traces of you know what in an old vase in the common room.

Merordith told me to wear discreet clothes...but, I'm 12, looking discreet is hard, especially in Knockturn Alley...I tried. The streets and alleys around there are dangerous, she wasn't wrong.
Travelling at night through those parts is very unpleasant..we finally got to an old doorway outside a very filthy old house, Merordith spoke to a figure through a slot and we were in.

The events thereafter I cannot record with you.

I am scared.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:31 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear diary

Four people?...why these four?
I can't go into detail with you now as I am not even sure I can do what they want me to do.
Aribell was easy, she deserved it too, and well, I knew it would only be temporary, just to teach her a lesson, but this is different.

I am not even sure I can get into each of the areas either.
Merordith keeps saying that someone will arrange all that...I'm not so sure. If I am caught doing this they'll send me to Azkaban..forever.

Summer has gone again and I've seen little of Maddie, Wesley and even Mel.

Merordith has been helping me on my perfumes and potions again..she taught me that the fragrance on poisons can be made almost untraceable with the use of boiled Ginger Root oil.

Oh, and another thing, this charm thingy seems to give me a headache, I feel good when I hold it, but after, I get a headache and all muddled. It may just be lack of sleep.

So tired


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:48 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

Still nervous about the task ahead of me, I was shown how to prepare the poison I will be using...why they can't just give me it is anyones guess, but at least it's another one to my collection. This one is hard though and it will take me time to collect the ingredients I need.

Greg the Head boy is still bullying me, I hit the wrong floo last night and had to slip past him, he caught me again and once again continued his victimisation of me..this was really evident when another girl discussed openly the events between her, another individual and him and yet he ignored her and proceeded to concentrate on making my life miserable.

Greg also decided to take my wand, attack Summer and..well, it never ends...I have decided to train Summer to bite his backend and not let go, the next time they meet.

Aribell seems to have recovered, she looks in a bad way, I am glad that horrid wretch suffered so, but the after effects seem a little alarming.

Oh, met another very strange girl this evening..which got me into a fight with another first year...the girl's name was Jamie. Jamie seemed a little too keen on taking me to the forbidden forest, my charm went crazy during this encounter and made me wary of her. Another poor boy went with her...I need to watch her.

I have to go now, I am meeting this woman...who scared me a little the last time we met, I have the ritual tonight apparently..it scares me a little.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:13 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary.

Experienced a most unpleasant time at the ritual last night, I am now left with a strange insignia carved into my right arm, It's painful, burning and hurts loads.
Merordith tried comforting me, but it had little effect...it hurts.

The whole experience is getting worse...They keep going on about betrayal and the forfeit of life upon my bond to the Cult. It all seemed a little overdramatic to me...but they are pretty horrid people. Merordith told me not to worry and to just concentrate on getting my preparations ready for the task.

Arrived late back in to the common room this morning after sleeping at Merordith's house. Hit the right Floo this time and avoided any Prefect or Head Boy activity.

Summer has a rash on his right leg..I think he has been scratching it too much again.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:23 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

I am writing with some joy today as I finally got my revenge on Steven Walker last night.

After endless attacks on my monkey and me, I decided to give Summer the pleasure in delivering a moment he will never forget.

Oh, How I laughed when Summer latched onto his rear end. He leapt up and dug his teeth deep in. Now, It looks a mean thing to do....but, what the hell...he deserves it.
I think Summer is lookiing forward to Greg next...trickier challenge and I think I'll probably get expelled after it....but, it's the last piece in this jigsaw puzzle.

Saw Scorcha and Maddie this evening. Especially lovely to see Scorcha again as she is someone I really feel comfortable around...Maddie is fine and I really like her..but she only really thinks about herself...whereas Scorcha is really thoughtful. We spoke for a few hours and for the first time I could finally tell someone all about this mess I'm in.
She seemed horrified on what I'd been asked to do. I do trust her, but her involvement may result in her getting hurt...So, I need to be really careful.

Summer seems to have forgotten about his rash...maybe it is better.


 Post subject: Re: The Diary of Hanith Datson
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:42 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am
Posts: 15
Dear Diary

It's been two days now since my second ritual and my stomach still hurts...with this sickness, will it ever end?
I have never felt so ill, they said it will pass, but it hurts so much....please, please make this stop. My skin grows paler and I have started to see odd marks appearing beneath my skin...and oh, how my body aches.

I can't bear bright lights at the moment as they make my eyes hurt, so I have been sleeping during the day.

The poison tasted foul too....it burned my throat as I drank it and yet felt nothing until minutes later..then it came. The waves of pain, one after another...I cried and cried and still it came...my legs, my arms, numb and then.....that's all I remember.

Merordith woke me this morning and gave me some warm liquid...It seemed to settle my stomach a bit, what it was is anyone's guess but it felt better than the pain. My skin feels oddly dry too...very strange.

I miss Maddie and Scorcha...and Summer.
To be with them now instead of here would be so much better.


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