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 Post subject: Lemon Avers
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:09 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

Joined: Sun May 03, 2009 3:50 pm
Posts: 32
Lemon Iris Avers

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you've always imagined. "


Name: Lemon Iris Avers
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Year: 2
Nationality: American
Birthplace: Sugar Creek, Missouri
House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Half
Patronus: -----
Wand: Beechwood Dragon Heartstring
Relationship Status: Single
Mary Rhines -- Mother -- Witch
George Avers -- Father -- Muggle
Tangerine Avers -- Brother -- Wizard
Patrick Curtis -- Stepfather -- Muggle
Devon Curtis -- Half-brother -- Unknown, Age 5
Amber Curtis -- Half-sister -- Unknown, Age 2
Tracy Adams -- Stepmother -- Muggle
Megan Adams -- Stepsister -- Muggle

A Free Spirit

"Nobody living can ever stop me.
As I go walking my freedom highway.
Nobody living can make me turn back."


Lemon Iris Avers was born on July 30th to George and Mary Avers. Every moment of her childhood was filled with the sounds of Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, or other artists of the sort. From early on, Lemon knew she was different from the other children. From the slang she used, to the way she dressed, she seemed to be perpetually stuck in the '60s. Lemon was very social, even from an early age, talking to most everyone she could, and almost unable to not get along with someone. She seemed carefree, and did things as she wanted, never seeming to mind what other's thought of her. Her parents, George and Mary, were total hippies. They wore their hair long, did mind-altering drugs, spoke the language, and listened to the music. Everything at home seemed the perfect life, until she turned eight. Her father could no longer cope with having 'magic' in his life, and divorced his mother. A few years after their divorce, both Mary and George remarried.

Languages: English
Current Desire: Make friends
Hobbies: Playing her ukulele; Playing the drums; Playing the guitar
Likes: Music, Weather, Nature, Peace, Bright colors
Favorite Colors: Anything Neon or Dark Red
Favorite Drinks: Water
Favorite Food: Any type of fruit
Favorite Movie(s): Shrooms; Practical Magic
Favorite class(es): Herbology; Transfiguration
Least Favorite Class(es): Arithmancy; Potions
Favorite Animal: Her puppy (Gibson)


Flower Child

Hair Style: Long; Curly at the ends
Hair Color: Blonde with dark brown highlights and roots
Hair Accessories: Headbands; Flowers; Clips
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Color: Tanned
Scent(Perfume): Cinnamon
Height: 5'5
Weight: 122lbs
Body Type: Curvy
Blood Type: Unavailable
Piercings: Ears; Bellybutton; Tragus
Tattoos: None
Jewelry: A peace sign necklace around her neck


Going Steady...

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive?
Love is everything it's cracked up to be.
That's why people are so cynical about it.
It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.
And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more."



Kestrel Maeve - Seventh Year Slytherin

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