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 Post subject: The Training Behind Rei Fukui
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:49 pm 
Forum Fourth Year
Forum Fourth Year
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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:45 am
Posts: 138
Monday Afternoon: Hufflepuff commons, girls dormitory -

Rei has set up a gym for her in the girls dorm of the Hufflepuff commons, with a kick bag, a rope that hangs from a chain attached to the ceiling, the floor lined with padding, and a mirror across the entire front of the room. There is also bars on the left side of the room that are attached to the wall like railings.

In a locked room, people can hear the sound of a girl training. There is no music since Hogwarts has a magic seal, that prevents people from listening to music, though there are grunts, and smashing against the walls heard, and possibly a large training back could be expected to practice kicks. Rei is in here perfecting her skills, as she promised everyday to herself she would be dedicated to this new life style, and to help protect her friends.

Rei let's out a loud "kiya" as she sends the bag flying across the room, with a round house kick, as it comes back to her, she smacks it hard with the back of her fist and lets out a grunt. She spins around to the back of the bag catching her off guard she kicks it with a turn back kick and stumbles back hitting the wall with a thud. Rei immediately, gets back into her fighting stance and runs up with a jumping front kick which sends the bag flying away from her, as it comes back at her she ducks under the bag, successfully doing so, she immediately picks up her right leg as she turns around to aim for the bag, as it catches her off guard and knocks Rei to the ground. Rei getting hit hard with the bag, stumbles to get up, but still trying not to show weakness she runs up and throws a jumping turn back kick at the bag, as the bag flies foward, Rei does not take a chance, she waits for it to come back *with anger in her eyes* she does a turn back kick again and the bag goes flying even faster, with even greater momentum. Rei waits for it to come back again as she lifts her leg to throw a front kick, the bag with all it's force pushes down and overpowers Rei sending her into the wall, and a loud *thud* is heard throughout the commons. Rei lets out a gasp of breath, as she runs up and throws another turn back kick at the bag, she than steps to the side of the bag hitting it with the back of her fist, as it slows down, she throws three punches at the bag and round house kicks the bag. The bag, goes flying once more as she moves out of the way of the upcoming bag and right when the bag comes down the center, Rei throws a sidekick into the bag as it smacks into the wall, and a loud *thud* is heard. As the bag comes back Rei she catches it, the bag throwing her off balance as she's light weight, but she manages to stop it.

Rei breathes heavily, as she completes her training. So she goes over to the bars on the side of the room and puts her leg up on one (obviously these are meant for stretching). Rei holds her leg up on the bar for a minute or so, and than switches, holding that leg out there for another minute.

As Rei finally cools down, she sweats heavily, as her body cools down to proper temperature. Rei than grabs a towel off the ground where she left her backpack, unlocks her training room, and leaves the room...

Tristen: Rebel411 -

Rei Fukui - Year 1 Hufflepuff

Jillian: SunRein -

Alexia Kroft - 3rd year slytherin

Maria Antollow - 4th year ravenclaw

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