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 Post subject: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:32 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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We have a serious issue in the mod and we need DM assistance.

"We had trouble on the server. a Hacker killing Female characters my bad, all characters with an axe. He hacked it. He is lvl 1 with over 100 hp
He can see invis chracters
and he hacked all his stats
and is a barbarian
His DC is over the scale
so Drado though of an idea and locked him up after killing him, in the hospital wing.
He can open locked doors..... So that doesn't work.

To all people who log in around now or today: AVOID HOGWARTS CASTLE. I took all characters in there to Hogsmeade because he cannot get in there. To all do the same, do not encourage the little fraking terd either. Do not talk to him.

*Roselyn "Red" Synders Gryffindor 7th year
* Tristan Durie Ravenclaw 1st year
*Liline Milne Slytherin 1st year

Last edited by TheSilvernight on Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:46 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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/!\ This is a perv hacker. He will kill the character and rape them. Do not let this happen, do NOT lay around dead, immediatly respawn!

*Roselyn "Red" Synders Gryffindor 7th year
* Tristan Durie Ravenclaw 1st year
*Liline Milne Slytherin 1st year

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:26 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:33 am
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Just a quick note here.
He came on again, started causing hell, and now the server isn't even showing up!

Sapphire 'Penguin' Bain - 3rd year Gryffindor

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:20 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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This guy isn't new, just someone with no life. He's been getting a woody for over a year now thinking it makes him more of a man to hack into NWN servers. No worries, see the post in Announcements.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:09 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Uhm This is a scout. They have some dumb Griefing club or whatever set up. They attacked another server last couple months and did a lot of crap. Not a big of a deal with this server since no XP lost nor gear. Just ignore it and move on.

West Coltern:7th Year Ravenclaw EXPELLED
Steven Walker:7th Year Gryffindor

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:21 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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Ignore it and move on? No way.

Sierra Tillery - Little Lambs Orphanage Manager and Ministry of Magic Education Dept.
Anula Bhaskar - Hufflepuff
Crissy Darby - Gryffindor
"I sense a costume opportunity!"

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:19 am 
Azkaban Inmate
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Last edited by =^_^= on Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:59 am 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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Dru wrote:
NwN is weird.

I disagree. It isn't the medium that is weird, it's certain people that are disturbing. And when those disturbed minds are savvy in the ways of computer technology, they can cause some serious distress to the people who log on to play a game and have some fun. It isn't just socially inappropriate and disgusting, it's also downright illegal to do this. I see no valid reason to condone this sort of thing, and Calan is well within his rights to keep these kinds of people out, at the very least.

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:00 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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That's terrible!! But..Where is the server guys? It's not up...

 Post subject: Re: DM emergency
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:53 am 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:40 pm
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I am saying Ignore it and Move on because they get their kicks out of people throwing a hissy fit over it. You just respawn and if really needed take rp to another area. They will get board.

West Coltern:7th Year Ravenclaw EXPELLED
Steven Walker:7th Year Gryffindor

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