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 Post subject: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:59 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:11 pm
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//Given that the Back to School Event will be happening in 13 hours from this post, I'd like to RP that one whole summer has passed and most (if not all) students have gone home (there are special exceptions). And without further ado, let's get started! :)

*a letter is addressed to each and every student and written in emerald ink, sent wherever they may live*

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear [Insert Formal Witch / Wizard Name Here],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary tools and equipment.
Term begins on September 3rd. The Hogwarts Express leaves at ((10:00PM EST)) on September 2nd.

Minerva McGonagall
- Deputy Headmistress

Matthew Pace - Post 6th Year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:23 am 
//I plan to be there as Will who is a first year. I'm going to have to improvise due to the fact he's been at school already. Since he really hasn't been around for very much I thought I'd RP it as if it really was his 1st day.

//To any players who's characters he's already met I can RP already having a fundamental acquaintance, having met somewhere ambiguous previously and simply avoiding the "where and when" all together for the sake of the event. Let me know OOC if you want to play it any differently.

//Please advise if you see any problems with this plan.

 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:50 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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//This doesn't require us to advance our chars a year does it? Just to have been home for the holidays?

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:15 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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//This is typically a back to school event for everyone. It doesn't mean you ~have~ to skip a year. If you want to, that's great! :)

As for your first year, you could also RP a sorting, if you would like. All you have to do is ask! :) Any more questions, feel free to PM me. I'll be around all day and will most likely get back to you before the event.

Matthew Pace - Post 6th Year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:30 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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// Please keep in mind that for many characters the fact that their year isn't advancing is OOC, so please be kind and not draw attention to this fact ICly. That way everyone can have fun!


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:38 am 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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//Out of curiousity (yall know how bad I am at doing the homework) does this mean it's a "advance without having to do homework" pass? So, like, can Tirzah be a second year now? I heard there are some issues with the homework system since it's being revamped. Should I keep Tirzah at first year til it's done? I'm just a little confused! Girl logic! (I guess what I'm asking is if I can have her strut around all self righteous for being a second year (even if there are OOC issues with actually 'advancing'), or if she is still a first year until the homework system is finished.


 Post subject: Re: Back to School 2012
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:12 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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//It's your choice! :) she could be a first year or a second year.

Matthew Pace - Post 6th Year Ravenclaw

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