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 Post subject: Yendys plays minecraft for the first time ever
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:56 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Before anyone calls BS on the title, let me remind you that I still have not seen Avatar or Guardians of the Galaxy. Me missing major pop culture trends by years is a systemic issue, and it should not be terribly surprising that it has effected minecraft as well. That said, I had the opportunity this weekend to play minecraft, for the very first time ever, and without someone looking over my shoulder to tell me what I was doing wrong! I'm going to write a bit about how my play session went, for your amusement.
TL;DR: So noob, much mistakes.

I generated a new world and entered it. I immediately began punching everything around me to see what would happen. Trees, leaves and the ground seemed indestructible, but I could take out grass pretty well. I figured I'd need some sort of garden clippers and an axe to handle trees, and a shovel to dig in the ground, so I didn't spend too much time worrying about it at this point. I figured I'd find loot somewhere to get me started.

I wandered around for a while, ripped up grass, picked flowers, etc. Eventually I figured I should gain some levels, and maybe that's why I wasn't finding loot. I'd only seen bunnies so far, so I figured this was a typical RPG start, and I'd need to gain a level or two punching bunnies before I'd get to move on to wolves or something. I soon came to the conclusion that bunnies had infinite HP and existed solely to troll me. Luckily I found some sheep, which I could actually kill, and started collecting wool and meat.

Then night fell. I knew I was in bad shape, I'd heard you were supposed to have shelter by the first night or else you'd have to fight off monsters all night long. I hoped I'd manage to survive by keeping moving and fighting only when I had to. This strategy was blown out the window when I met a spider, which almost killed me - I believe I was down to a single heart by the time that guy went down. I quickly ate half my food and started to recover, but was ambushed by a skeleton that almost killed me again, and I ran for it.

I lost the skeleton but picked up a zombie. I was in no shape to fight(figuring the zombie was tougher than the spider for sure), so I jumped off a cliff into some water and swam to shore. The zombie followed, but somehow ended up out of my sight just on the other side of an outcropping of something, probably 5~ squares away. I decided the only way I was getting out of this was taking that guy down, so I ate all the rest of my food and healed up.

Then I jumped him, and was pretty underwhelmed. That guy had even less HP than the sheep I'd been killing earlier. His only trick was the fact that he exploded upon death, but it was either not very damaging or I was out of range of the worst of it, and I managed to collect a lot of material blocks that had been destroyed in the blast.

At this point, I figured I had to be able to do something with these, so I figured out how to place them. I had just enough to make a wall around myself, but the sun was coming up, so I figured why bother? (It's a good thing I didn't, because I wouldn't have been able to figure out how to get out!) I climbed out of my weird water hole and started exploring again, hoping to find some sheep.

But then I encountered the slenderman, it looked sort of like a really stretched out shadowy guy, and unlike all the other monsters it seemed to have no issues walking around in daylight. I tried to run away, but it was fast and I was 1-hit KO. At this point I decided that I needed a bit of help, and took a short break to google up some tips.

I determined that you mine blocks by holding down the button, not by spamclicking(oops) and that item crafting results depend on which of the 4 spaces you put the craft supplies in(yeah, didn't consider that). Thus informed, I began a new game, which was marginally more successful: I built a wooden hut, a workbench and a bed, though I couldn't figure out how to make tools(I need stone I think, which I can't seem to mine without tools...maybe you have to exploit the zombie bomb effect?) or fire(I think coal drops from stone because I got some in the explosion the first night, so maybe more zombies would help there). I did make a stick though, which I used for creature whacking. Didn't seem much more useful than my fists, though.

And that's when I had to stop playing. I hope you enjoyed "Yendys plays minecraft for hte first time" and had many lols at the noob.

Karen Bonoa - Ravenclaw Alumni
Madeline Ingleman - 2nd Year Hufflepuff
Niven McLaren - 1st Year Slytherin
Sam McKinnon - 6th Year Ravenclaw

Jabari Nwosu * Joshua Tannerman * Lenora Hollings * Lillian Stewart * Maria Bonoa

 Post subject: Re: Yendys plays minecraft for the first time ever
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:05 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Make a wood pick axe to mine stone, then make the rest of your tools in stone. Including a stone replacement for your pick axe. Don't forget a stone sword.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
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 Post subject: Re: Yendys plays minecraft for the first time ever
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:54 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Calan wrote:
wood pick axe

Wut. Apparently that's what I was missing, but...wut. O_o

Karen Bonoa - Ravenclaw Alumni
Madeline Ingleman - 2nd Year Hufflepuff
Niven McLaren - 1st Year Slytherin
Sam McKinnon - 6th Year Ravenclaw

Jabari Nwosu * Joshua Tannerman * Lenora Hollings * Lillian Stewart * Maria Bonoa

 Post subject: Re: Yendys plays minecraft for the first time ever
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:56 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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You can use your dumb wood pick as furnace fuel after you make a stone one.

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Jade Celine - Married Peran and became a magical archaeologist.
Ana Celine - Took her revenge and vanished into the night.
Space Dog - Some say it still roams the halls of Hogwarts in search of petting.

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